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Minneapolis joins the march on the 2024 Republican National Convention

By Esper Garcia

Minnesotans marching at the RNC.  | Brad Sigal/Brad Sigal Photos

Minneapolis, MN – On July 15, the Coalition to March on the RNC successfully brought more than 3500 protesters together in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to protest against the racist, reactionary agenda of the Republican National Convention. 100 of these protesters arrived on coach buses from Minneapolis organized by the MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee and the MN Abortion Action Committee.

This convention is where Republican delegates met to choose their party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump, known for his anti-immigrant and misogynistic statements and policies. The thousands of protesters from around the nation marched within sight and sound of the convention center, thanks to the Coalition’s years-long fight against the city for a militant march route.

Meeting at Red Arrow Park in 90-degree weather, organizers stood out in the blazing heat and shared speeches on subjects such as immigration, abortion, climate justice and the genocide in Palestine. Not only were there lines of speakers, but also thousands in the crowd to listened and chanted in support.

MNACC member June Gromis spoke about how the Republican agenda impacts women and LGBTQ people, saying, “Republican politicians will try so desperately to convince you that they are virtuous faithful people but they have shown time and time again that their only religion is exploitation, subjugation and the control of all women and all gender oppressed people.”

MIRAC member Manny Pascual spoke on his experience regarding immigration, saying, “The U.S. will separate families every chance they get. If they’re not starting wars they’re funding them. They separate us because they know we are stronger than them. And we are fighting back!”

Walking a mile and a half route around the convention, many people held banners, flags and signs saying things such as “Legalization for all” and “Stop Trump and racist Republicans.” Voices also filled the streets as people chanted and shouted for the rights of all oppressed people. The Coalition united many on fighting against racism and for women’s, immigrants and LGBTQ rights, as well as calling out U.S. support for Israel’s genocide in Palestine.

Even with physical concrete barriers in the way of the march, people continued on, jumping over them and helping each other navigate around the obstacles.

Organizers from around the nation brought their own fiery energy to the RNC and successfully made a stance against the Republicans on the very first day of the convention. This was only a taste of the power of the people that will show out in full force regardless of who is elected in November.

Minneapolis organizers are now gearing up to march on the Democratic National Convention on August 19.

#MinneapolisMN #ImmigrantRights #PeoplesStruggles #WomensMovement #ReproductiveRights #Trump #RNC #Featured