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Minnesota RNC protest: “We will continue our fight for our right to speak out against the war at the RNC”

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On July 16, Federal Judge Joan Ericksen, a Republican appointee, denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that would have ordered the city of Saint Paul to grant the permit originally requested by the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War for a national demonstration on Sept. 1. Her ruling made no modifications to a permit issued by the city that would restrict demonstrators to a route along Cedar Street and require them to end the demonstration before the Republican National Convention begins.

“We oppose the judge’s decision,” said Katrina Plotz, a member of the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War. “Ericksen allowed the city’s vague concerns about security to take precedent over the rights of tens of thousands to demonstrate their opposition to the war in Iraq within sight and sound of Republican delegates. Her decision upholds a route designated by the city that is both politically and logistically unacceptable.”

Tens of thousands of people are making plans for the Sept. 1 anti-war demonstration at the Republican National Convention. Buses are being rented, nationally known speakers and celebrities are being contacted to come to the rally and more organizations are expressing interest every day. C-SPAN will broadcast the event live.

The Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War plans to continue the effort to secure better permits.

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #News #Iraq #RepublicanNationalConvention2008 #CoalitionToMarchOnTheRNCAndStopTheWar #FederalJudgeJoanEricksen

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