San Salvador, El Salvador – On Sunday, February 4, right-wing Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele illegally ran for reelection even though the country’s constitution doesn’t allow presidents to serve two consecutive terms. With extreme irregularities throughout the year leading up to the election and systemic chaos bringing ballot counting to a halt on election night, Bukele still declared himself the winner of the presidency, and his party the winner of 58 out 60 Legislative Assembly seats. Opposition parties stated that Bukele’s claim that his party had won 58 of 60 Legislative Assembly seats was wildly inaccurate.
Morazán, El Salvador – In an escalation of political repression against the left, on December 22 a Salvadoran judge in President Nayib Bukele’s government put out an arrest warrant against longtime progressive leader Rubén Zamora.
Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador – On January 11, 2023, five environmental activists and community leaders from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were arrested on bogus charges in a clear case of political persecution. They are still detained five months later and the movement to free them is growing around the world.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Cientos de salvadoreños se concentraron este 21 de febrero en la Plaza Salvador del Mundo para expresar su solidaridad con la revolución bolivariana de Venezuela y el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Los participantes, convocados por los comités de solidaridad con Cuba, portaban banderas y carteles mostrando su oposición a la intervención militar de Estados Unidos en Venezuela. Venezuela está enfrentando una amenaza inminente de intervención militar estadounidense como parte de un atentado de golpe de estado orquestado por el gobierno de Trump para imponer un líder pro imperialista en el país con una riqueza enorme de petróleo. Debido a la sangrienta historia de intervenciones militares de Estados Unidos en varios países latinoamericanos, muchos movimientos populares, a través de todo el continente americano, están solidarizándose con Venezuela y con su promesa de resistir la intervención imperialista de EEUU.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Hundreds of Salvadorans rallied February 21 at the Salvador del Mundo Plaza to express solidarity with the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution and with the government of Nicolás Maduro. At the rally, which was called by Cuba solidarity committees in El Salvador, people carried Venezuelan and Cuban flags and signs showing opposing U.S. military intervention in Venezuela. Venezuela is facing the imminent threat of U.S. military intervention as part of an attempted coup orchestrated by the Trump administration to impose a pro-imperialist leader in the oil rich country. Due to the bloody history of U.S. military intervention in many Latin American countries, movements throughout the Americas are standing up in solidarity with Venezuela as they vow to resist U.S. imperialist intervention.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 21 statement from Renmin Malaya, Spokesperson, National Executive Committee, Christians for National Liberation – National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
San Salvador, El Salvador – Thousands of students came together at the main entrance of the University of El Salvador (UES), July 5, to march against the right-wing initiative of the Salvadoran oligarchy to privatize water. The protest was organized and led by the UES authorities.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Miles de estudiantes se dieron cita en la entrada principal de la Universidad de El Salvador el 5 de julio para marchar contra la iniciativa de la derecha oligárquica salvadoreña por privatizar el agua. La protesta fue organizada y encabezada por las autoridades de dicha casa de estudios.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Hundreds of students, professors, professionals, teachers and workers at the University of El Salvador (UES) gathered on June 29 to protest against the new attempt by the oligarchic right wing in El Salvador to privatize water.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Centenares de estudiantes, profesores, profesionales, docentes y empleados de la Universidad de El Salvador se reunieron hoy 29 de junio para manifestarse contra el nuevo intento de la derecha oligárquica salvadoreña por privatizar el agua.
Resist deportations and continue fight for legalization for all
Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 8, President Trump announced the end of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for around 200,000 Salvadorans living in the United States. TPS for Salvadorans will be phased out in 18 months. This comes after Trump has already ended TPS for Haitians and Nicaraguans, and soon Hondurans will almost surely lose TPS as well. While the loss of TPS for any country is an injustice, the number of Salvadorans with TPS is more than all other nationalities combined.
San Salvador, El Salvador – El 27-29 de julio 2017, 300 delegados de organizaciones de solidaridad con Cuba de los países de El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, México y Colombia realizaron el II Encuentro Centroamericano de Solidaridad con Cuba. El Encuentro fue patrocinado por el Movimiento Salvadoreño de Solidaridad con Cuba, compuesto por varios comités de El Salvador que apoyan a Cuba socialista. El encuentro reafirmó la solidaridad con el pueblo y el gobierno socialista cubano.
San Salvador, El Salvador – On July 27-29, 300 delegates from organizations in solidarity with Cuba from the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, México and Colombia participated in the Second Central American Gathering in Solidarity with Cuba. The gathering was organized by the Salvadoran Movement in Solidarity with Cuba, which is made up of various committees throughout El Salvador in solidarity with socialist Cuba. The gathering reaffirmed solidarity with the Cuban people and socialist government.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Decenas de miles de trabajadores salvadoreños salieron a marchar aquí en el día internacional de los trabajadores. El evento inició con tres marchas en diferentes partes de San Salvador que culminaron en la Plaza del Salvador del Mundo con un mitín conjunto. Las marchas empezaron en la Plaza Schafik Handal en Mejicanos, Árbol de la Paz por el Estadio Cuscatlán, y Boulevard de los Héroes. A la marcha se unieron muchos sindicatos, organizaciones sociales y organizaciones de izquierda. Los trabajadores celebraron sus logros incluso un aumento del salario mínimo. También expresaron su rechazo a la propuesta del sector privado para privatizar las pensiones. Los sindicatos presentaron su propia propuesta al gobierno del FMLN de una reforma al sistema de pensiones que garantice el derecho de los actuales pensionados y de los futuros pensionados.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Tens of thousands of Salvadoran workers came out to march here on International Workers Day. The event started with three marches from different parts of San Salvador that converged in the El Salvador del Mundo plaza for a unified rally. The marches started at Schafik Handal Plaza in Mejicanos, at Árbol de la Paz by Cuzcatlan Stadium, and on Boulevard de los Héroes. Many unions, social movement organizations and the left participated in the march. Workers celebrated their accomplishments including an increase to the minimum wage. They also expressed their rejection of a proposal from the private sector to privatize pensions. The unions presented their own proposal to the FMLN government to reform the pension system to guarantee a pension for current and future retirees.
San Salvador, El Salvador – On July 30 students marched here to commemorate the 40th anniversary of a massacre of Salvadoran students on July 30, 1975. The march started at the University of El Salvador (UES) and marched to the bridge where in 1975 the security forces and military violently repressed a peaceful protest where students were marching to demand their rights and to defend the UES. At that time the UES suffered from constant repression from the military and police.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Los Cinco Héroes cubanos pasaron más de una década en las cárceles de los Estados Unidos, arrestados por el gobierno estadounidense a finales de los años 1990 por haber monitoreado grupos anticomunistas cubanos basados en Miami, Florida quienes han planificado actividades terroristas en contra de Cuba socialista. Los cinco recientemente ganaron su libertad de las cárceles de los Estados Unidos debido a una campaña mundial exigiendo su libertad. Regresaron a Cuba como héroes, todavía firmes en su dedicación a la revolución cubana. La decision del gobierno estadounidense para liberarlos fue uno de los primeros pasos en la restauración de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos.
San Salvador, El Salvador – The Cuban 5 spent well over a decade in U.S. prisons, arrested by the U.S. government in the late 1990s for monitoring anti-communist Cuban groups based in Miami, Florida that have planned terror activities against socialist Cuba. The five were recently released from U.S. prisons in the face of a worldwide movement demanding their freedom. They returned to a heroes welcome in Cuba, unbroken and firm in their dedication to the Cuban revolution. Their release by the U.S. government was an early move in the renewing of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S.
San Salvador, El Salvador – Manifestantes se concentraron frente a la embajada de Israel en San Salvador el 11 de julio para expresar su solidaridad con el pueblo palestino, y para protestar el ataque militar de Israel en Gaza. Los manifestantes mostraron banderas palestinas y carteles condenando el ataque de Israel contra los palestinos. Esa fue la segunda protesta ésta semana frente a la embajada de Israel aquí. Uno de los organizadores de la protesta de hoy, Logan Kenpo, dijo, “nosotros aquí en El Salvador, hicimos una convocatoria de jóvenes, estudiantes de la Universidad de El Salvador, amigos de facebook entre otros y hemos decidido concentrarnos acá en repudio a la masacre y al silencio y la injusticia que sufre el pueblo palestino y al genocidio que impulsa el gobierno de Israel apoyado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos.”