Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Keadin Stayer

By Keadin Stayer

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Portland, OR – Over 150 workers took to the streets in Portland this May Day, led by a coalition of anti-imperialist and migrant-led organizations including the International Migrants Alliance (IMA), the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) and the Portland branch of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By Keadin Stayer

Federal agents in Portland, OR.

Portland, OR – For weeks now, officers under the oversight of the Department of Homeland Security have been terrorizing the residents of Portland Oregon in new attempts to stamp out the protest movement that has been ongoing since the killing of George Floyd. These officers can be seen in various videos wearing nondescript camo fatigues with no markings indicating who they are or, or what agency they are working for. These same federal officers nearly killed a protester in Portland last week after shooting him in the head with a 'less-lethal' impact device.


By Keadin Stayer

Donovan LaBella holding speaker at rally shortly before being shot.

Portland, OR – In a display of state violence, federal officers sent by the Trump administration brutally attacked protesters near the Justice Center in downtown Portland. In video capturing the incident, the officers can be seen firing tear gas as well as so-called ‘less-lethal’ munitions at the crowd. We can see Donovan LaBella, 26, being struck in the head by one of these projectiles, immediately causing him to fall to the ground unconscious and bleeding profusely before being moved to safety by fellow protesters. The attack has left LaBella with facial and skull fractures requiring reconstructive surgery.

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