Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Brad Sigal

By Brad Sigal

Dreamers speak at the March 14 meeting for drivers licenses for all in Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – With the new legislative session underway, the drivers licenses for all campaign is kicking back into high gear in Minnesota. The immigrant rights movement is mobilizing to press the state legislature and Governor Dayton to pass a bill that would grant basic equality for immigrants.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis Valentines Day protest says 'no more deportations'

Minneapolis, MN – A Valentine’s Day protest here called on Hennepin County Sheriff Stanek to stop cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in deporting immigrants via the Hennepin County jail. Protesters gathered at noon outside the jail and then marched to Sheriff Stanek’s office inside City Hall. The protest was organized by MIRAc’s No More Deportations campaign and endorsed by several other organizations.


By Brad Sigal

Saint Paul, MN – On Feb. 10 the Executive Board of the Saint Paul Federation of Teachers voted unanimously to call a strike vote for their members on Feb. 24. This comes after almost nine months of contract negotiations in which teachers have put forward bold proposals to defend and improve public education in Saint Paul, which have garnered the support of parents and community members but drawn negative responses from School District officials.


By Brad Sigal

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Minneapolis, MN – With chants of “Si se puede!” (yes we can!) and “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” (Obama, listen, we’re in the struggle!), 3000 people marched through Minneapolis for immigrant rights on Oct. 5, a national day of action for immigrant dignity and respect. This was the largest march for immigrant rights in Minneapolis in several years. The protest began at Basilica of St. Mary Church then marched through downtown Minneapolis to Hennepin County Government Plaza (also known as People’s Plaza).


By Brad Sigal

MORENA-MN protesta la privatizacion de Pemex.

Saint Paul, MN – Más de 75 personas se unieron para decir “Pemex no se vende!” en una protesta aquí el 24 de agosto afuera del consulado mexicano y denunciaron la estratagema del presidente mexicano Enrique Peña Nieto para privatizar la compañía estatal de petróleo, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex). La protesta fue organizada por la sección en Minnesota de la organización mexicana MORENA (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional). MORENA está encabezando un movimiento en México y en el resto del mundo para parar la privatización de Pemex. La protesta contó con la participación de varios oradores y del grupo de danza azteca Kalpulli Ketzalcoatlicue. Los manifestantes exigieron que un oficial del consulado saliera para recibir su carta y firmas en contra de la privatización de Pemex. No fue posible ignorar la protesta y un oficial salió para hablar con los manifestantes, comprometiéndose a compartir las demandas con sus superiores.

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By Brad Sigal

MORENA-MN protests privatization of Mexican national oil company

Saint Paul, MN – More than 75 people came together to say “Pemex is not for sale!” at a protest outside the Mexican consulate here on Aug. 24. They denounced Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s scheme to privatize the Mexican state-owned oil company, Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos).


By Brad Sigal

As the millionaires in the U.S. Congress debate the content of a ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ bill, immigrant rights activists around the country will send a strong message from the streets in a national week of action May 28-31. The Legalization for All Network has initiated a week of action to demand immigration reform that includes legalization for all 11 million undocumented immigrants and that stops all deportations immediately.


By Brad Sigal

Washington, D.C. – Reeling from their loss in the presidential election, in which Latinos overwhelmingly voted against Mitt Romney in no small part due to Republicans’ extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric, the Republicans have begun to introduce immigration-related bills in the lame duck congressional session. This is a sudden and dramatic shift after congressional Republicans have systematically shut down any attempt at federal immigration reform legislation over the past four years. Instead they have focused on implementing highly repressive anti-immigrant laws modeled on Arizona’s SB1070 in as many states as possible.


By Brad Sigal

Mobilizing for a "no" vote in South Minneapolis the weekend before the election

Saint Paul, MN – On Nov. 6, Minnesotans voted down two controversial constitutional amendments that conservatives put on the ballot. An amendment that would have made gay marriage unconstitutional was defeated 51.2% to 47.6%. An amendment that would have put restrictive voter ID requirements into the state constitution – an effort to suppress voter turnout – was also defeated, 52.2% to 46.3%.


By Brad Sigal

Nov. 3 Latino community march says "vote no!" on both amendments

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people, mostly Latino, marched through the Latino community today to encourage people to vote no on the Voter ID amendment and the anti-gay marriage amendment. The two proposed amendments to the state constitution will be on the Minnesota ballot Nov. 6. They are proposed and promoted by the right wing. Polls are very close for both amendments, so mobilizing people to turn out to vote against them is at a fevered pitch.