Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Brad Sigal

By Brad Sigal

New York, NY – As the ‘Frankenstorm’ Hurricane Sandy approached New York City, Mayor Bloomberg announced plans for mandatory evacuations of the areas of the city most exposed to the incoming storm. But in a map of evacuation zones, the Rikers Island jail, which houses 12,000 people and sits in the water between Queens and the Bronx, directly in the line of the incoming hurricane, was conspicuously not color-coded in Zone A, B or C for possible evacuation. The areas all around Rikers Island are mostly labeled as Zone B, which means “moderate likelihood of evacuation.”


By Brad Sigal

On Sept. 1 Mexico’s outgoing President Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party (PAN) proposed a massive reform to Mexico’s federal labor law. The proposal would modify over 100 articles of Mexico’s labor law.


By Brad Sigal

In a surprise to many observers, on August 19 Puerto Ricans resoundingly voted “no” on two proposed constitutional amendments that had been championed by conservative Governor Luis Fortuño of the New Progressive Party. Fortuño is also a member of the U.S. Republican Party leadership, and will be a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida next week. The “no” vote is a blow to his agenda.


By Brad Sigal

On July 30, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño signed a highly controversial and sweeping new penal code into law that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. It’s slated to go into effect on September 1. A week after Fortuño signed it, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to stop the new law, calling it unconstitutional. “The statute is evidently intended to suppress speech, to stop people from protesting against government policies,” William Ramirez, local ACLU director, said in the Washington Post.


By Brad Sigal

Richfield, MN – Around 100 people attended an informational workshop on July 22 to learn more about the ‘deferred action’ policy that will allow some undocumented youth to avoid deportation and to get a two-year work permit. The workshop, held at Assumption Church, was sponsored by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) and La Mision.


By Brad Sigal

Movement calls on Governor Luis Fortuño to veto it

On June 30 the Puerto Rican legislature approved a new Penal Code that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. Supporters of civil liberties refer to it as essentially a ‘wish list’ of many regressive laws the right wing has dreamed of passing. It now awaits either the approval or veto of Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño, who is from the New Progressive Party (PNP) of Puerto Rico, and is also a member of the U.S.’s Republican Party.


By Brad Sigal

Protesta de MORENA en Minnesota, 7 de julio 2012

San Pablo, MN – El Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (MORENA) de Minnesota organizó una protesta afuera del consulado mexicano aquí el 7 de julio, protestando reportes de fraude generalizado en la elección presidencial en México el 1 de julio. Hay reportes generalizados de compra de votos, irregularidades con papeletas, y otra clase de fraude. La protesta del 7 de julio en San Pablo coincidió con megamarchas a través de México y en el resto del mundo el mismo día.

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By Brad Sigal

MORENA Minnesota protest, July 7, 2012

Saint Paul, MN – The Minnesota chapter of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) organized a protest at the Mexican consulate here on July 7, protesting reportedly widespread fraud in the Mexican presidential election that took place on July 1. There are widespread reports of buying of votes, ballot irregularities, and other types of fraud. The July 7 protest in St. Paul coincided with massive protests in Mexico and elsewhere on the same day.


By Brad Sigal

David and Alejandra Cruz in front of their home

Minneapolis, MN – The Minneapolis City Attorney is ramping up repression to try to stop the months-long campaign to resist the foreclosure of Alejandra and David Cruz’s family home at 4044 Cedar Avenue South. In an ominous development, at least three of the dozens of people arrested in defending the home from foreclosure are now being retroactively charged with third degree riot, obstructing legal process, disorderly conduct and presence at an unlawful assembly, in addition to their original trespass charge. The third degree riot charge alone could mean a year in jail and $3000 fine.


By Brad Sigal

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Revolutionary activist and scholar Joel Olson passed away on March 29, 2012. He was 45 years old. His passing came as a shock to friends and comrades and as word spread there was an outpouring of grief and memories on facebook. A fund was quickly set up to support his wife and three children. Memorials are planned for his home of Flagstaff, Arizona, as well as New York and other cities where he had close friends and comrades.