Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Brad Sigal

By Brad Sigal

_75 Speak Out on Day of the Dead Holiday _

Sara Avendano (right) and her daughter (left) speak at the rally

Saint Paul, MN – 75 people gathered outside the Ramsey County Adult Detention Center, Nov. 1. The protest took place on Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) to commemorate the more than 4000 immigrants who have died trying to cross the border into the U.S. from Mexico and the hundreds who have died in U.S. jails awaiting deportation. Día de los Muertos is widely celebrated in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the U.S. to remember loved ones who have died.


By Brad Sigal

Columbus, GA - Diez mil personas llegaron a Columbus, Georgia el 18 y 19 de noviembre para cerrar la escuela de las americas, o mejor dicho, la escuela de asesinos (SOA por sus siglos en inglés). La SOA ha entrenado mas que 60,000 soldados latinoamericanos en la estrategia de contrainsurgencia, para prepararles a regresar a sus países y reprimir su propia gente.

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By Brad Sigal

Una muchedumbre. Una pancarta que dice "Alto a las redadas"

Cientos de miles de trabajadores inmigrantes y sus aliados marcharon en ciudades alrededor de los Estados Unidos el 1ro de mayo, el día internacional de los trabajadores. Las demandas principales de las protestas fueron legalización inmediata para todos los inmigrantes indocumentados y un fín inmediato a la ola de redadas y deportaciones que sufren los mexicanos, latinoamericanos y todos los trabajadores inmigrantes.

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By Brad Sigal

for Honoring Black and Puerto Rican Liberation Heroes

Door to The Morales / Shakur Community and Student Center

New York, NY – The New York Police Department is on the defensive because of mass outrage over the police’s murder of Sean Bell. Bell, a 23-year old unarmed African American man was killed by the NYPD in a hail of 50 bullets Nov. 25 a few hours before he was going to be married. His murder has sparked large protests against racist police brutality.


By Brad Sigal

Big crowd. Sign = "Stop the raids"

Hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their supporters marched in cities around the U.S. on May 1, International Workers Day. The marchers' main demands were for immediate legalization for all undocumented immigrants and an immediate end to the wave of raids and deportations targeting Mexican, Latin American, and other immigrant workers.


By Brad Sigal

signs at march: Stop No-match. Legalization Now

St. Paul, MN – 1000 people marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day, in support of immigrant and workers’ rights. Marchers demanded a stop to the immigration raids and deportations that target immigrant workers and families. They also called for legalization for all undocumented workers. The rally started in a park overlooking the Mississippi River, marched through downtown Saint Paul and ended at the State Capitol.


By Brad Sigal

Families in red tshirts in protest march

Postville, IA – More than a thousand people gathered in the small town of Postville, Iowa, July 27, to protest the largest immigration raid in U.S. history – the raid took place here at the Agriprocessor kosher meat processing plant – and to demand an end to such immigration raids. On May 12, about 400 immigrant workers, mostly from Guatemala and Mexico, who worked at the plant were detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. Most were either put in jail or deported.


By Brad Sigal

Civil disobedience at ICE on May 6 also to demand “Stop the raids and deportations”

Poster in English

Minneapolis, MN – On May 1 – International Workers Day – a mass march and street festival is planned here to demand immigrant and workers’ rights. The march will begin at 4:00 pm on Lake Street and 13th Avenue, in the heart of Minneapolis's Latino community. The march is initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Coalition (MIRAc), which has organized many of the immigrant rights protests in the Twin Cities since it formed in the wave of mass marches in spring 2006. (see below for posters promoting the march)


By Brad Sigal

Los Angeles, CA – Immigrant rights activists from around the U.S. came together here at a conference, Feb. 3-4, to plan for the Great American Boycott II for immigrant rights on May 1.


By Brad Sigal

St. Paul, MN – Over 1,000 people marched on the West Side of Saint Paul on Labor Day to demand legalization for immigrant workers and workers' rights for all. The West Side is one of the main centers of Latino immigrants and Chicanos in the Twin Cities.