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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Solidarity with U.S. protests in India

By Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist)

Solidarity demonstration with U.S. struggle organized by the Socialist Unity Cen

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist).

Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) organizes demonstrations expressing solidarity with the American people fighting against racist oppression and anti-people, pro-capitalist policy of the Trump administration

Undaunted by the Corona pandemic Cadres and leaders of the Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) marched om the streets and organized demonstrations in the metropolises and numerous small towns throughout India voicing solidarity with struggling people of USA who have come out to bravely fight against racism and racial oppression, torture and killing. Because of the lockdown the demonstrators had to walk long distances to reach the demonstration venue and, in the assembly, had to maintain physical distancing and took all precautionary measures. They shouted slogans denouncing the racist policies of the Trump administration burnt the effigy of president Donald Trump.

Provash Ghosh, General Secretary, SUCI (Communist) said in a statement:

“We express our solidarity with the struggling people of USA who are in the midst of historic movement against anti-people policies of the U S imperialist rulers. This is an outburst like a volcanic eruption of the accumulated grievances of the people not only against racial oppressions but also against all anti people policies and acts of the U. S. imperialist rulers including widespread unemployment, retrenchment, starvation and criminal negligence to tackle Covid-19 resulting deaths of lakhs of people. It is noteworthy all sections of the oppressed toiling people irrespective of colour and religion are united in this struggle. It reminds about the earlier heroic ‘occupy wall street’ movement which shook the foundation of U S imperialism. This struggle inspires all exploited people of the world to fight against imperialist-capitalist exploitation.

It teaches that real power lies not in the armory of the imperialist capitalist rulers, but in courageous undaunted struggling masses. We hope U. S. fighting people will achieve victory.”

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