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Los Angeles immigrant rights activists to protest at Republican National Convention

By Carlos Montes

Participants in the LA press conference announcing local activists will join the RNC.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – Immigrant rights activists with Centro CSO held a press conference July 9 calling for a protest on opening day of the Republican National Convention (RNC). The LA activists are sending a delegation and will travel and join a march and protest on July 15 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The members of Centro CSO denounced the reactionary racist Republican agenda that targets immigrants. Local activist Eloisa Glaindo spoke out, saying immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy. She also denounced former President Trump’s anti-immigrant hate speech.

Gaberiel Quiroz, co-chair of Centro CSO’s police accountability committee, talked about his recent trip to Eagle Pass, Texas where he witnessed human rights violations on the border pushed by Republican Governor Gregg Abbott of Texas.

Mariaelena Madrid and Avery Raimondo, both public school teachers, spoke about working with immigrant families from Central America and Mexico. Madrid also pointed out the RNC attacks on reproductive rights.

Jenny Bekenstein, a worker at UPS and member of Teamsters Local 396 talked about the anti-union policies of the Republican Party and Trump. She also criticized President Biden's policy in Palestine.

The press conference was joined with more Centro CSO members ending with chants in Spanish: “Abajo con los Republicanos (Down with the Republicans)!”

#LosAngelesCA #CA #ImmigrantRights #OppressedNationalities #ChicanoLatino #PeoplesStruggles #RNC #Trump #CentroCSO #Teamsters