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FRSO leader speaks in Texas on Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution

By staff

University of Texas at Arlington PSU event on Venezuela

Arlington, TX – On November 13, the University of Texas at Arlington Progressive Student Union (PSU) hosted a national leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Tom Burke, who gave an eyewitness report on Venezuela and the Bolivarian revolution.

Cassandra Swartz, with the Dallas Anti-War Committee, opened the event by talking about how anti-war activism is more necessary than ever, due to the horrific military coup in Bolivia against indigenous President Evo Morales.

Burke went in depth about his experiences in Venezuela to a crowd of 25 people. Burke dispelled myths about Venezuelan shortages, talked about the Bolivarian Republic seeking to diversify its industries, and about the right-wing attacks on the Bolivarian revolution.

When asked by students how to help Venezuela in the midst of the embargo, Burke answered that the way to help Venezuela is to tell the United States to cease the total embargo on Venezuela, as it is the embargo that is putting Venezuelans in danger and halting production.

Progressive Student Union commits itself to standing against the U.S. economic war against Venezuela, and against the military coup in Bolivia.

#ArlingtonTX #StudentMovement #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #frso #Americas

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