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FRSO holds forum on socialism in Lufkin, TX

By Ian Cox

Lufkin, TX – On April 1, members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a socialism forum here in Lufkin. The purpose of the forum was to explain what socialism really is, what socialism in the U.S. would look like and what the path toward socialism might consist of. The forum drew an enthusiastic audience.

The forum discussed the rise of the popularity of the term socialism – and some socialist ideas like universal healthcare and publicly funded education, which have been brought up with the rise of the Bernie Sanders campaign. The main part of the forum consisted of an introduction to the Marxist understanding of class, the national liberation movements in the U.S. and how to build the strategic alliance of the working class and oppressed nations.

After the main presentation ended, there was a discussion in which members of the audience could ask any questions about socialism or FRSO and its line. That part of the event lasted for about 45 minutes after the main presentation and created a vibrant discussion on the Bernie Sanders campaign, solidarity issues in relation to the Rasmea Odeh case, and some of the contradictions within capitalism and how socialism would end those contradictions.

Angelica Hernandez, who is a member of the local Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter at Angelina College, said that the forum was “inspiring, educating and well done.”

#LufkinTX #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #frso #Socialism

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