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Anti-war protest at MN Senator Klobuchar's office

By mick

Jess Sundin, of Anti War Committee, speaking at protest in front of Senator Klob

Minneapolis, MN – Holding signs and banners, around 50 people joined an anti-war protest here, Oct. 11, in front of the office of Senator Klobuchar. The protest, organized by the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, coincided with the week of the 11th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan.

In addition to demanding an end to the occupation of Afghanistan, protesters demanded, “Money for human needs, not war,” and for no wars with Syria or Iran.

Jess Sundin of the Anti-War Committee told the crowd that, before the protest, a delegation of peace activists met with Senator Klobuchar's representatives and they said the senator supports the sanctions on Iran, is not opposed to more U.S. intervention with Syria, and is against an immediate end to the occupation of Afghanistan. “She is no friend of the anti-war movement,” said Sundin.

Long time peace activist Marie Braun said that the sanctions on Iran are a form of warfare, and stated, “Let us raise our voices together and say no to sanctions, no to war.”

Brad Sigal, of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression talked about the need to build a strong anti-war movement and the need to push back against the FBI and grand jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists.

Sarah Martin, one of the anti-war activists who was subpoenaed to a grand jury shortly after Sept. 24, 2010, announced that the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression will hold a protest Oct. 25 at 4:30 pm, in front of the Federal Court House in downtown Minneapolis to demand justice for the Holy Land 5.

The protest at Klobuchar's office was endorsed by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Joe Callahan Defense Committee, Military Families Speak Out, MN Peace Action Coalition, Socialist Action, U of M Students for a Democratic Society, the Welfare Rights Committee, and Women Against Military Madness.

SDS at protest in front of Klobuchar's office.

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #AfghanistanWar #HolyLandFive #TwinCitiesAntiWarCommittee

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