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News and Views from the People's Struggle

$26,000 pledged at online FRSO fundraising event

By staff

Frank Chapman of the Central Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Minneapolis, MN – More than $26,000 was pledged at the May 25 Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) online fundraising event. The event featured Frank Chapman of the FRSO central committee member and executive director of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, FRSO Standing Committee Member Fern Figueroa, and the FRSO Labor Commission Chair Cherrene Horazuk.

This means about $70,000 has been raised in the $130,000 fund drive that will help FRSO expand its national office and put more full-time organizers in the field.

Fern Figueroa, states, “Fundraising is an important part of organizing that can not be ignored. We seek to change the world around us and that takes resources. Everyone can help to build a revolutionary movement by donating.”

The online event included special guest Chrisley Carpio, one of the Tampa 5, who urged participants to contribute generously.

To contribute to the fundraising drive, go to and hit the donate button. You can also donate by mailing a check made out to “Lucy Parsons Institute” to 2942 Oakland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55407.

#MinneapolisMN #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #Socialism

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