Fight Back! News

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Bookstore packed for FRSO program release party

By staff

FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly.

Minneapolis, MN – About 70 activists packed Mayday Bookstore, November 20, for the release of the print edition of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s (FRSO) political program.

FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly told the excited crowd, “Our program amounts to a declaration war against the existing order things. It is a clear statement that analyzes the conditions we face, lays bare the laws of capitalism, the need for revolution and socialism – and defines a clear strategy getting from here to there.”

The room was filled with many of the movers and shakers in the Twin Cites people’s struggles. Kelly hailed their presence stating, “It is an honor to be among so many outstanding fighters in the Twin Cities people’s movements. You have led large demonstrations and strikes. Those of us here in this room have organized many large, and at times extremely militant, battles. And it is this activity that gives meaning to this program. Its power can be measured by the degree that people take up the ideas, demands and goals contained within – making it a material force in our struggle and in society.”

Leaders from the labor, anti-police crimes, student, immigrant rights, anti-war, climate justice and other movements spoke about the relevance of the FRSO Program to their struggles.

The event was concluded with a champagne toast.

#MinneapolisMN #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #Socialism

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