As U.S. launches airstrikes in Libya, Aug. 6 protest to say ‘No to Endless War’
Activists hand out flyers for August 6 anti-war protest Activists hand out flyers for August 6 anti-war protest at recent Midtown Farmers Market in Minneapolis (Fight Back! News/Staff)
Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of Minneapolis/Saint Paul area groups will hold a protest this Saturday, Aug. 6. The protest was called to mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a call for an end to the endless series of U.S. wars and military interventions.
The protest will come just days after the start of what appears to be a new campaign of U.S. airstrikes in Libya.
The protest will be held 1 p.m., at Mayday Plaza, at the intersection of 3rd Street and Cedar Avenue in the West Bank neighborhood of Minneapolis.
At 2 p.m. there will be a program at Mayday Books with Sami Rasouli, an Iraqi-American peace activist who works in Iraq with the Muslim Peacemaker Teams. Mayday Books is located at 301 Cedar Avenue S in Minneapolis.
The protest is being organized under the calls “Say no to endless war. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen: End U.S. wars, interventions & drone strikes. Funds for human needs, not wars & nuclear weapons. Say NO to racism & Islamophobia.”
A statement issued by organizers says in part, “As the U.S. launches a new wave of airstrikes, this time in Libya, the U.S. is involved in wars and interventions across the Middle East. In recent weeks the U.S. has announced plans to send more troops to Iraq and has announced that a large contingent of troops will be kept in Afghanistan.”
The statement continues, “This is all being done in the name of fighting terrorism. But, after years of U.S. bombs, troops, weapons and meddling, does anyone believe more of the same will make things better for the people of the region?”
The statement continues, “We will mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings with a call for an end to U.S. wars and interventions.”
The new U.S. bombing of targets in Libya started on Aug. 1. Aircraft and drones struck targets in the port city of Sirte.
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said Monday that she was “deeply concerned about the expansion of U.S. airstrikes in Libya. The U.S. military continues to become more engaged in the Middle East, despite the lack of a Congressional debate or specific authorization.”
The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition (MPAC) called the Aug. 6 protest.
The protest is endorsed by Anti-War Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Mayday Bookstore, Military Families Speak Out (MN Chapter), Minnesota Cuba Committee, Minnesotans Against Islamophobia, St. Joan of Arc Peacemakers, St. Paul Eastsiders for Peace, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Socialist Action, Veterans for Peace, Welfare Rights Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Workers International League
For more information 612 275-2720 or 612 827-5364.
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