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UPS Teamsters plan call-in to demand hazard pay

By Gabriella Killpack

UPS Teamsters plan call-in to demand hazard pay

Salt Lake City, UT – UPS Teamsters are working extremely long hours in hazardous conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting themselves and their families at risk with no hazard pay. UPS was late to provide sufficient personal protective equipment for workers and only did so after workers demanded it. Still, many areas lack the appropriate PPE to stay safe at work. The Teamsters union has not put hazard pay on the negotiating table for UPS Teamsters; workers are organizing on the shop floor to win their demand. UPS recently announced their quarterly profits at almost $1 billion.

“UPS is making hundreds of millions in profit during the pandemic and refuses to take our safety seriously. Along with our demands for safety, we demand Hazard Pay for working in hazardous conditions,” said Nick Godfrey, a part-time UPS worker in Salt Lake City

The call-in days are planned for May 19 through May 21. Workers demanding hazard pay on the shop floor and are now pushing the director of the Teamster Package Division, Denis Taylor, to take up the demands of the union workers he represents rather than making continued concessions to the company.

#SaltLakeCityUT #Healthcare #PeoplesStruggles #Teamsters #UnitedParcelService #HazardPay

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