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News and Views from the People's Struggle

The occupation's crimes in Jenin are the result of American support for the genocide war

By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network on Telegram.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the brutal massacre by the occupation in Jenin and its camp today, which claimed the lives of 7 martyrs and led to dozens of injured, is the outcome of clear American support for the occupier in its war of genocide against our people.

The Front stated that the killing of doctors and targeting of medical teams and hospitals, schools, and infrastructure currently being perpetrated by the occupation in Jenin is an inherent policy of the occupation, that is now finding room to expand and practice in every inch of occupied Palestine due to American cover and international silence.

The Front emphasized that our steadfast people in Jenin, who are subjected to daily massacres and attacks by the occupation, have the right to resist this occupier and defend themselves, their rights, and their cause. It saluted the resistance heroes in Jenin who are confronting the forces of terrorism and genocide of the occupation army.

The Front called on our people's masses across the occupied homeland to rise up against the occupier and its crimes, and to ignite anger and protest against these ongoing crimes in Gaza, Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarem, which target the entire Palestinian existence.

The Front urged all solidarity forces and members of the Arab nation to escalate their struggle and rise up against the comprehensive war of genocide being waged against our people.

The Front stated that zionist brutality and genocide policies will not succeed in defeating our people, will not stop their struggle, nor end their living presence on their land. However, the international silence, cover, and American and European support for the genocide campaigns will remain a hallmark of a turning point where claims of civilization and humanity fell, as world governments continued to support, arm, and cover the war criminals wanted by international courts to continue committing their massacres.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Central Media Department

May 21, 2024

#International #MiddleEast #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #PFLP #Statement