Fight Back! News

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Texas: UT-Austin students rally for abortion rights

By Jake Holtzman

Texas students fight for abortion rights

Austin, TX – On the evening of February 1, around 15 students at the University of Texas at Austin rallied on the steps of UT Tower to speak out for abortion rights.

Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) called the rally, given the attacks on reproductive rights in Texas, Florida and across the country. Chants included, “We won’t back down from this fight, abortion is a human right!” and “When women’s rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!”

Speakers highlighted the need to defend abortion rights for all – women, but also trans and non-binary folks who are affected by the abortion bans.

SDS member Angela Acha also spoke about demands that students are calling for from the university administration, such as “increasing funding to the UT Gender & Sexuality Center and providing accessible menstrual products in restrooms on campus as well as gender-neutral restroom resources.” Acha and other SDS members called on students to stay organized and join organizations like SDS in demanding reproductive rights for all.

#AustinTX #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #PeoplesStruggles #reproductiveFreedom

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