Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Striking charter school teachers.

Chicago, IL – Chicago teachers Union (CTU) teachers and paraprofessionals in the Acero/UNO charter network have voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new contract that will dramatically improve teaching and learning conditions in the charter network’s 15 campuses across Chicago. The wins were achieved after a historic five-day strike that saw hundreds of union educators and paraprofessionals take to the streets to demand a fair contract, joined by parents, students and allies calling for change at schools run by Acero. Growing numbers of elected officials joined in the call for a decent contract and accountability from charter executives.


By staff

Chicago, IL – UNO/Acero teachers and paraprofessionals continue to strike at 15 schools, December 7. Since Tuesday, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) educators at UNO/Acero schools have held the picket lines and protested for more classroom resources, smaller class sizes, sanctuary protections for their immigrant students and fair wages—particularly for low-wage paraprofessionals.


By staff

CTU picket line at Acero Marquez.

Chicago, IL – Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) teachers, paraprofessionals and support staff at 15 charter schools run by the Acero charter network (formerly known as UNO) are in the second day of their historic strike.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago charter school strikers.

Chicago, IL – “We see students. They see dollars!” chanted the 30 strikers, parents and students in front of the Paz school in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, December 4. More than 500 teachers and other professionals, members of the Chicago Teachers Union–Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff, are on strike this morning in the UNO/ACERO charter school network. CTU is again leading the way in the first strike in the country against a charter operator.