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Day 4: CTU charter school teachers continue strike

By staff

Chicago, IL – UNO/Acero teachers and paraprofessionals continue to strike at 15 schools, December 7. Since Tuesday, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) educators at UNO/Acero schools have held the picket lines and protested for more classroom resources, smaller class sizes, sanctuary protections for their immigrant students and fair wages—particularly for low-wage paraprofessionals.

The strike is the first of a charter operator in the nation. It began almost five years to the day after the charter operator's previous CEO was forced to resign for doling out insider contracts and living large on public dollars that should have bankrolled schoolbooks and student supports.

On Friday, December 7, UNO/Acero management filed unfair labor practice charges – a ULP – against the CTU, based on bogus allegations that even the charter operator's lawyers described as 'hearsay' and the union described as a desperate press stunt. On Saturday, Latinx elected officials publicly blasted Rodriguez, telling him to either reach a fair agreement with strikers or resign.

A rally of strikers, parents, neighborhood residents and labor allies will take place on Sunday, December 9, at 1 p.m. at the CTU union hall at 1901 W. Carroll Avenue.

#ChicagoIL #PeoplesStruggles #ChicagoTeachersUnion #Strikes #TeachersUnions #charterSchools #UNOACEROCharterSchoolNetwork

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