Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El presidente Bush y el gobierno de Estados Unidos (EE.UU) le han dado una cachetada al pueblo de Colombia al dar una condena de 60 años de prisión al revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera.(Simón Trinidad), quien es un héroe de la gente colombiana, él ha dedicado su vida a la lucha de los trabajadores y de los campesinos y los pobres. Fue responsable de negociar procesos de paz y del intercambios humanitarios de presos por las las FARC ( Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo ), en cumplimiento de estas misiones fue detenido en Ecuador..

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By Redacción

Línea de piquete y conferencia de prensa por la libertad del revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera, injustamente encarcelado y enjuiciado varias veces en Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos (EE.UU)

Demandamos la libertad del revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera ( Simón Trinidad ). Su detención, encarcelamiento y juicios son una violación de la soberanía de Colombia. Palmera no ha cometido crimen alguno como tampoco ha hecho nada malo. Ni mucho menos en los EE.UU. Es todo lo contrario, él ha sido un luchador al servicio del pueblo colombiano. Palmera ha luchado en contra de la corrupción y el Terrorismo de Estado, que le ha impuesto a su país la política del presidente Bush y Cía.

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By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera. We urge all of our readers to join this effort.


By staff

The struggle to support Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera and to oppose Facebook censorship continues, with a new campaign launched July 18. Facebook banned the “Free Ricardo Palmera!” group and is refusing to reinstate Tom Burke’s personal account, despite an appeal. The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera was stunned by a June 30 notification that Facebook was removing the “Free Ricardo Palmera!” group, claiming it was “hateful, threatening or obscene.”


By staff

_The struggle continues _

A partial victory was won today, July 12, in the struggle against facebook’s attempted censorship of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera (NCFRP), with the reinstatement of the account of National Committee activist Josh Sykes, followed a few hours later by the reactivation of the account of Angela Denio. After the “Free Ricardo Palmera” facebook group, with more than 700 members from around the world, was shut down by facebook on June 30, the National Committee began a fight to recover this valuable resource. In response, on July 7, facebook disabled the accounts of the three administrators of the group, National Committee activists Josh Sykes, Angela Denio and Tom Burke.


By staff

The following is a video interview with Angela Denio and Josh Sykes of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera regarding facebook’s censorship of the “Free Ricardo Palmera” group.

#UnitedStates #RicardoPalmera #PoliticalPrisoners #facebook #censorship

By Josh Sykes

Fight Back! interviewed Josh Sykes of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera about facebook shutting down the “Free Ricardo Palmera” group on June 30. Then, on July 7, facebook disabled Josh Sykes’ personal account, along with the accounts of Angela Denio and Tom Burke.


By Josh Sykes

Asheville NC – In a move to censor the voices of solidarity and human rights, Facebook shut down the “Free Ricardo Palmera!” page, claiming it violates their terms of use.


By staff

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Detroit, MI – Fight Back! interviewed Tom Burke, spokesperson for the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, at the U.S. Social Forum.


By staff

Demands freedom for Ricardo Palmera

Tom Burke, a founder of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, was interviewed by RT (previously known as Russia Today) on the case of Ricardo Palmera, a Colombian rebel who is being held here in the United States. The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera currently has a petition campaign underway, demanding Palmera’s immediate release.

#UnitedStates #Colombia #RicardoPalmera #RevolutionaryArmedForcesOfColombiaPeoplesArmyFARCEP #PoliticalPrisoners