Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis bannering part of National Week of Action to Defend Odeh

Minneapolis protest demands justice for Rasmea Odeh

Minneapolis, MN – About 30 people gathered on May Day Plaza, in the West Bank neighborhood here to demand Justice for Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh, Sept. 10. Odeh is currently facing prison and deportation on a trumped-up immigration charge. Participants in the protest held signs supporting Odeh and Palestinian flags.


By staff

Rasmea Odeh speaking at Chicago August 29 protest against police crimes

Fight Back News Service is circulating Rasmea Odeh’s speech to the historic August 29 march in Chicago for community control of the police. Fight Back! editors urge all of our readers to come to Cincinnati, Ohio on Oct. 14, when arguments on the appeal of her unjust conviction are heard in federal court. For more information go to Stop police crimes


By Cannon Atkinson

Participants in the August 16 fundraiser for Rasmea Odeh

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 30 Rasmea Odeh supporters filled City Cakes, a bakery in Salt Lake City, on August 16 to raise money for Odeh’s legal defense. People came to donate and show solidarity with Rasmea Odeh, the Palestinian American women’s leader in Chicago. Odeh is preparing for an appeal that will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio later this fall.


By mick

Speakers at Rasmea Odeh fundraising event in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cites supporters of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh scored a major success here, July 29, collecting well over $1000 to help her defense effort. About 50 people came together for a “Happy Hour for Rasmea” organized by the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression. The funds will be used to help get people to Cincinnati, Ohio, where it is expected that the oral arguments on Odeh’s appeal will be heard in federal court this fall.


By staff

Rasmea Odeh

Chicago, IL – On July 20, Rasmea Odeh’s legal defense team filed a new brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, demolishing the July 8 arguments of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Tukel, who is opposing her bid for a new trial.


By staff

Rasmea Odeh

Chicago, IL – Federal prosecutor Jonathan Tukel filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, July 8, opposing Rasmea Odeh’s move to overturn her conviction and sentencing on immigration charges. Tukel argues that the lower court was right to deny Odeh her full defense, including its decisions to bar the testimony of a torture expert, to restrict Rasmea’s own testimony, and to allow documents obtained via torture by the Israeli military.


By staff

Angela Davis, Frank Chapman, and Rasmea Odeh

Chicago, IL – 500 people gathered at the University of Illinois at Chicago campus, June 28, to support “Justice for Rasmea Odeh.”


By staff

Angela Davis, Frank Chapman, and Rasmea Odeh.

Chicago, IL -500 people gathered at the University of Illinois at Chicago campus, June 28, to support “Justice for Rasmea Odeh.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – Internationally recognized experts on the effects of torture are weighing in on the appeal of prominent Palestinian American activist Rasmea Odeh, who is challenging her unjust November 2014 conviction on an immigration charge. Odeh, who was tortured and raped in an Israeli prison, was denied the right to present a meaningful defense in her Detroit trial last year.


By Tom Burke

At the Rasmea solidarity event in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Chicago, IL – Activists gathered at events around the country to hear Rasmea Odeh and defense attorney Michael Deutsch speak by videoconference, June 11. Deutsch explained the legal basis for Rasmea Odeh’s appeal, explaining that the trial and sentencing were both unfair. He also said while Rasmea Odeh is free now, that may come to a quick end in Cincinnati if the appeal is lost.