Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Iosbaker

Protest in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh in Tampa

Chicago, IL – Rasmea Odeh es una activista en la comunidad palestina en Chicago. Su historia es la historia de los refugiados palestinos aquí.

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By Joe Iosbaker

Rally in Tampa, Florida demanding "Drop the Charges" against Rasmea Odeh

Chicago, IL – Rasmea Odeh is an activist in the Palestinian community in Chicago. Her story is the story of Palestinian refugees here.


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St. Paul, MN – 150 people gathered here for Women Against Military Madness’ weekly Friday Palestine vigil, Aug. 1, at the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues. Protesters chanted “Free Palestine” and got honks from drivers. This was the third Friday vigil since the start of the recent upsurge in Palestine.


By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ – On the evening of July 31, a dozen activists rallied outside the Tucson District Court of Arizona in an emergency action supporting Rasmea Odeh and Palestine. Protesters demanded that charges against Palestinian-American activist Rasmea Odeh be dropped and that the U.S.-backed Israeli occupation and pillaging of Gaza cease now. Protesters held signs reading “Free Rasmea! Hands off Palestine!” and “Justice for Rasmea, justice for Palestine.”


By Tom Burke

Detroit picket line in support of Rasmea Odeh

Detroit, MI – As Rasmea Odeh appeared at the U.S. Court in Detroit here July 31, 120 supporters made a long picket line near the front steps. The crowd held big posters with Odeh’s photo saying, “I support Rasmea!” A number of large white SUVs from the Department of Homeland Security, with armed men loitering around them, lined the streets near the picket. Still, that could not stop Rasmea Odeh from smiling brightly as people chanted for dropping the case against her.


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Tom Burke (center), of Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Grand Rapids, MI – Close to 100 people celebrated Nelson Mandela Day here over the weekend. Some gathered on July 18 to view posters from the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa and the work of local artists portraying Nelson Mandela and Maya Angelou. Local artist Paul Collins shared a large canvas of hands reaching across the world portraying King, Gandhi and Mandela. On July 19, the Institute for Global Education hosted a jazz band, church choir, African dance and the poetry of Maya Angelou.


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Tallahassee, FL – On July 17 nearly 80 protesters from the Tallahassee community and student groups gathered outside the Florida State Capitol building to demand freedom for Palestine and an end to U.S. support for Israel. Protesters held a banner proclaiming “We say to Israeli occupation!” They crowd chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and “Viva, viva, Palestina!” The Palestinian community in Tallahassee, including families, came out in large numbers to speak out against Israeli apartheid.


By Kosta Harlan

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Raleigh, NC – Chants of “Free, free Palestine!” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” rang out at the North Carolina Capitol grounds today, July 19, as about 250 people rallied to protest the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza. Many protesters waved Palestinian flags and distributed leaflets to passersby.


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Chicago, IL – In a major development, attorneys for Palestinian community leader Rasmea Odeh filed a motion July 14, calling for Judge Paul D. Borman to recuse himself from the case. The supporting brief argues that Borman, as a life-long and dedicated supporter of Israel, cannot play the “neutral and detached” role that the law requires.


By C. R. Manor

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Salt Lake City, UT—The streets of Salt Lake City become yet another site of struggle for Palestinian freedom. Over 200 people rallied at the Wallace Bennett Federal Building to denounce Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza. The message was loud and clear: the Israeli occupation of Palestine must end.