Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Fort Lauderdale, FL protest Israeli terrorism in Palestine

Fort Lauderdale, FL – Over 250 people gathered at the Federal Courthouse here, Aug. 2 to protest U.S. support for Israeli terrorism in Gaza. As the bombs continued to drop on the people of Gaza, people of South Florida joined together to stand in solidarity with Palestine and demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel. This was the third major rally for Palestine in South Florida in three weeks.


By staff

Cassia Laham of POWIR (People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism)

Fort Lauderdale, FL – 400 people protested outside the U.S. Federal Courthouse here to demand an end to the Israeli massacre in Gaza. The large demonstration called for the U.S. to end all military aid to Israel. Also, protesters denounced biased U.S. corporate news reporting about the Israeli war on Palestine.


By staff

Miami protest against U.S. intervention in Iraq.

Miami, FL – Over two dozen activists gathered at the Torch of Friendship in downtown here, June 21, to rally against U.S. intervention in Iraq. As the news comes out that the Obama administration is considering military action in Iraq, south Florida anti-war activists sent a message that the people of this country are opposed to endless war.


By Tom Burke

Emergency protests being planned

Chicago, IL—With sectarian militants seizing cities and towns across northern Iraq and threatening war on Bagdad, President Obama announced on June 13, “We will not be sending US troops back into combat in Iraq, but I have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options.” In response, antiwar leaders in the US are speaking out against US intervention and mobilizing people to protest US war moves.


By staff

Didier Ortiz of POWIR reads a testimonial

Miami, FL – Anti-war activists, students and Palestinian Americans gathered here to commemorate Al Nakba, which means “the catastrophe.” Al Nakba refers to the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians when they were violently forced off their land by Zionist militia groups in May 1948.


By Cassia Laham

Some of the participants in Miami International Women's Day celebration

Miami, FL- Activists in South Florida celebrated International Women’s Day here, March 8, at the Wynwood Art Walk. The anti-war group People's Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR) organized the event, which included a spoken-word performance of speeches by women freedom fighters, past and present.


By Cassia Laham

Medea Benjamin with members of POWIR

Miami, FL- Medea Benjamin, an anti-war activist and lead organizer with CODEPINK: Women For Peace, joined South Florida activists at a meeting, Feb. 18, to discuss the condition of the anti-war movement in the U.S. and internationally. The discussion at Florida International University was hosted by People's Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR) and included members from War vs. Human Needs, Students for Justice in Palestine and the Florida Immigrant Coalition.


By Fern

Michael Sampson and Cassia Laham lead the marchers to U.S. Southern Command in

Doral, FL – Over 100 protesters rallied near U.S. Southern Command here, Jan. 11, to demand an end to the torture and abuse being carried out in Guantanamo Bay. Many of the protesters came from nearby cities like Fort Lauderdale and Miami, and some came from as far away as California and Michigan to demand that President Obama close down Guantanamo Bay for good.


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Miami, FL- On Dec. 7, about 20 anti-war activists attended a workshop entitled, “So, You Think You Can Organize?” that was put on by People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR). The event took place at in the Graham Center at Florida International University and included presentations by organizers in POWIR, Students for a Democratic Society and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).


By staff

Protest against U.S. war on Afghanistan.

Hollywood, FL – A group of anti-war activists gathered downtown here, to mark 12 years of U.S. war and occupation in Afghanistan. At the busy intersection of Young Circle Park, protesters held signs to remind the public that the U.S. is still waging war on the people of Afghanistan. People’s Opposition to War, Imperialism, and Racism (POWIR), a local anti-war group, organized the event.