Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Crowd gathers around two leaders who stand near a microphone. The crowd has signs that say things like "we have a right to be here" and "we demand a permit now".

Chicago, IL – On the afternoon of Wednesday, August 14, five days before the Democratic National Convention, the city of Chicago slapped organizers of the Coalition to March on the DNC with permits saying they can assemble in Union Park on the condition that they have no sound amplification, stages, tents, or port-a-potties. This effectively denies them the ability to hold a rally.


By mick

Press conference organizers carry banner, "March on the RNC! US Out of Iraq!"

Saint Paul, MN – Local leaders of the Twin Cites peace and justice movement announced their planned march route here at a June 7 press conference. The massive demonstration on Sept. 1, 2008 will coincide with the Republican National Convention. A large map of the march route was displayed.