Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Washington, DC – Members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) around the country have much to celebrate. For over two decades, the IBT led by Jimmy Hoffa Jr. did very little to help union members and working people. Instead, the Hoffa Jr. regime busied itself with arranging givebacks to employers and managing the general decline of the Teamsters. Workers represented by the Teamsters saw their contracts become weaker, their union become smaller, and whatever respect they had on the job evaporate.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) held its annual convention from October 1-3 in Chicago. Rank-and-file union activists from around the country traveled there to plan out the next steps for the upcoming international union election. TDU is supporting the reformer O’Brien-Zuckerman slate against the other slate, which is backed by the Hoffa old guard within the Teamsters union.


By staff

Teamster member Emily Butt with General President candidate Sean O'Brien

Syracuse, NY – On May 23, around 100 Teamsters gathered at Ye Olde Clipper Tavern here to meet candidates in the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United Slate, also referred to as the OZ Slate. After about an hour of shaking hands and speaking with the attendees, OZ Slate candidates took to a podium to speak to the members about the issues in the upcoming Teamster leadership elections. The candidates laid out their vision to reverse decades of concessions and membership decline in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

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