Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Fight Back News Service urges all our readers to support this event


By Joseph Piette

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.


By staff

_Stopping execution is a victory, struggle continues to free Mumia _

Former Black Panther and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

Philadelphia, PA – After 30 years, political prisoner and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal is no longer on death row. On Dec. 7, 2011, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams announced that he would not seek a new sentencing hearing to try to re-sentence Abu-Jamal to the death penalty. He has now been moved to SCI Mahanoy after spending the last 30 years on Pennsylvania’s death row.


By Fight Back! Editors

A critical moment has arrived in the battle to stop the murder of a freedom fighter, Mumia Abu Jamal. Mumia sits on death row in Pennsylvania, convicted of a crime he never committed. The government wants to kill him, to silence a voice that thunders against injustice and speaks the language of liberation. Every effort must be made to build and attend the Millions for Mumia demonstration in Philadel-phia on April 24. Now is the time to stay the hand of the executioner and bring a new trial for Mumia Abu Jamal.


By Mumia Abu-Jamal

Live from Death Row

The following is one in a regular series of commentaries by Mumia Abu Jamal from SCI Greene Prison


By staff

Philadelphia, PA – On April 24, tens of thousands of people, some from as far as France, gathered here at the Millions for Mumia March. A simultaneous demonstration took place in San Francisco, California. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former member of the Black Panther Party, has been on death row for over a decade for a crime he did not commit. Attempts by the city officials to prevent the march by not granting a permit failed, as people united around the rallying cry: Free Mumia! Speakers ranging from the Black Police Officers Federation to the Move organization called for Mumia's release.


By staff

Mumia Abu-Jamal head shot

Philadelphia, PA – On October 13 1999, Governor Ridge of Pennsylvania signed a new warrant for “the execution by lethal injection of Mumia Abu-Jamal of Philadelphia.” The execution date is set for December 2.


By Steff Yorek

There has been a positive new development in the struggle to free Mumia Abu- Jamal. Judge William H. Yohn, a Pennsylvania District Court judge, has agreed to review the entire trial record before he makes his decision on whether or not to grant an evidentiary hearing in Mumia's case.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – 1,000 people descended on the Supreme Court, February 28, demanding a new trial for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Protestors blocked traffic and clogged the streets in a civil disobedience action. Police arrested 185 people. The Washington D.C. demonstration coincided with a protest in San Francisco where 166 people were arrested for jamming the streets around the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.


By Steve Argue

Banner demanding freedom for Mumia

Philadelphia, PA – 3,000 people rallied here Aug. 17, demanding freedom for framed death row revolutionary and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. Speakers included Ossie Davis, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, poet Sonia Sanchez, Ramona Africa, comedian Dick Gregory, and Mayor Bernard Birsinger of Bobigny, France.


By Steve Argue

Philadelphia, PA – Facing protest and international pressure in support of framed political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, federal judge William Yohn threw out his death sentence on Dec.18, 2001. Yohn ordered the state to conduct a new sentencing hearing within 180 days. If the state does not conduct a new hearing, Mumia will, according to Yohn's ruling, be sentenced to life in prison.


By staff

America's rulers are serial killers. They have killed before and left to their own devices, they will kill again. Would-be President George Bush has turned the Texas Department of Corrections into a murder machine. Al Gore has never been in a position to sign a death warrant, but he has made it clear that he would have no problem doing so.

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