Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minnesota protest demands ‘No more deportations.'

St. Paul, MN – Seventy people protested outside the Whipple Federal Building, March 24, to send the message “No more deportations” and “ICE out of our communities” to the Trump administration. The emergency response protest was called just two days earlier in response to local provocations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and its umbrella organization, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


By staff

SDS says “Make Racists Afraid Again”

Twin Cities protest against Trump

St. Paul, MN – On Saturday, March 4, Twin Cities residents are coming together at the Minnesota state capitol to oppose the Trump regime and to shut down the state's local manifestation of the national “March 4 Trump.”


By linden

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St. Paul, MN – A Minnesota state senate committee, on Feb. 27, acted favorably on a bill that expands welfare to people who, under current law, don’t qualify for any cash assistance. The Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) created the bill to Give Aid to All in Need – the GAAIN bill.


By linden

Tell politicians, ‘This is the day of reckoning’

Welfare Rights Committee protest at opening day of Minnesota legislature.

St. Paul, MN – “We are here today on opening day of the legislature to let the politicians know this is the day of reckoning for the poor! This is day of reckoning for the children! This is the day of reckoning for the homeless!” declared Angella Khan as she read the opening statement at the Welfare Rights Committee’s protest at the Minnesota state capitol, here, Jan. 3.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 3, the opening day of Minnesota’s legislative session, the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) will hold a ‘Day of Reckoning’ protest to demand that politicians end their war on the poor. After a short noon outdoor rally at the state capitol building, low-income people and their supporters will march in formation to every legislator’s office to send a message.


By Meredith Aby

Minnesota march against Trump on International Human Rights Day.

Minneapolis, MN – Dec. 10 marks International Human Rights Day. The Minnesota Anti-War Committee had a short rally at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue, followed by a march of 200 people to denounce Trump's agenda of hate and racism.


By staff

Striking MNA member Anna Lee (left).

Minneapolis, MN – Striking members of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) were standing strong on the picket line today, Oct.4, one day after rejecting a concessionary contract proposal. Anna Lee, a striking nurse said, “l voted no for my patients, my profession and the future.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On the morning of Sept. 27, 400 striking Allina nurses from Abbott, United, Unity and Mercy hospitals, along with members of many unions and community supporters, rallied in the street in downtown Minneapolis, tying up early morning rush hour traffic. The rally was held in front of the hotel where General Mills was having its annual shareholder meeting.


By staff

Striking MNA members on picket line.

Minneapolis, MN – Nearly 5000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association walked off the job at Allina hospitals, Sept. 5, Labor Day, in an open-ended unfair labor practices strike. Allina is pressing for concessions on the health care plans that would shift more costs to the nurses.


By staff

Striking MNA nurses on picket line earlier this year.

St. Paul, MN – Negotiations between nurses and Allina Health ended with no agreement and no responses by hospital negotiators on nurses' proposals, Aug. 23. Allina negotiators continue to say that they will not offer proposals or discuss issues of staffing and workplace safety until nurses agree to end all of their health insurance plans.