Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

May Day march for immigrant rights

Chicago, IL – Rallies and marches marked the celebration of International Workers Day in Chicago, starting at noon with a protest called by Jobs With Justice at a Walmart store in the suburb of Forest Park. Over 100 trade unionists gathered to expose the ongoing exploitation by Walmart of its workers and those in its supply chain around the world. The crowd cheered especially hard for Robert Hines from the Warehouse Workers for Justice when he spoke passionately about the struggle of his co-workers for dignity and respect. Warehouse Workers for Justice was founded by the United Electrical Workers (UE) after the successful plant occupation at Republic Windows and Doors in December, 2008.


By staff

Marching In Dallas May 1

Dallas, TX – About 80 activists, union members and socialists came together to celebrate May Day with a call for respect for the rights of workers and immigrants.


By staff

May 1 march from Cathedral to State Capitol

St. Paul, MN – More than 500 people braved frigid temperatures and gusty winds to march from the Cathedral to the Minnesota State Capitol for International Workers Day. The marchers united around demands to stop to the attacks on immigrants, workers and unions that are coming from the State Legislature.


By staff

Freedom Road Socialist Organization banner at Milwaukee march

Milwaukee, WI – Tens of thousands marched here, May 1, in the Wisconsin Solidarity March for Immigrant and Worker Rights. Sponsored by Voces de la Frontera, the march wove through Milwaukee's south side up through downtown. Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, spoke at the rally, urging the immigrant rights and labor movements to unite to fight a common enemy, one that's brought an immense attack on public sector unions and is also attacking immigrants.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

_Long live the fighting spirit of the Wisconsin working class! _

FRSO May Day 2011 flyer

Flyer PDF in English | Volante PDF en Espanol


By Carlos Montes

_Demand Legalization, End to Police, ICE Repression _

Immigrants rights protest in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Hundreds of groups will be marching here, May 1 to continue the fight for full legalization for all and to stop the ICE and police repression against immigrants – especially Mexicans and Central Americans.


By Chance Zombor

Milwaukee, WI – On May 1, tens of thousands of people will converge here to march for immigrants’ and workers’ rights. Demonstrators will say “no” to an anti-immigrant SB1070 copycat bill [SB1070 is the Arizona law that tells law enforcement to routinely check papers of ‘suspected illegal immigrants’] in Wisconsin and “yes” to in-state tuition for undocumented Wisconsin students. The will stand against attacks on education, healthcare and collective bargaining rights.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

We honour and celebrate May Day 2011 at a crucial period. At a period of aggressive imperialism, anti-labour policies and at a time when the global capitalist system is in a deep and multifaceted economic crisis of the system itself. This crisis is expressed in all sectors: in the economy, the environment, the quality of life, culture and climate change. Crises are in the DNA of capitalism and for this reason they come over and over again. It is impossible for capitalism to solve the problems of the peoples of the world.


By Brad Sigal

_Unions, workers and immigrants will unite for International Workers Day _

Saint Paul, MN May 1st flyer

St. Paul, MN – On May 1 workers, unions and immigrants will march together to the capitol in Saint Paul to demand justice for workers, to defend workers’ freedom to organize and to demand legalization and full equality for immigrant workers. The march will be held on the 125th anniversary of International Workers Day, or May Day.


By Carlos Montes

Fight grows for ‘Legalization Now’

Huge march fills the street

Los Angeles, CA – 250,000 people marched in the streets here, May 1, demanding immigrant rights. Most of those attending were Mexican and Central American families, along with contingents from the Philippine and Korean communities. A queer contingent also had a visible presence.