Los Angeles, CA – A press conference was held in Boyle Heights, May 29, to release the body camera footage from two LAPD officers involved in the killing of 14-year-old Jesse Romero, a student at Mendez High School. The killing occurred on August 9, 2016. Romero’s parents, Teresa Dominguez and Jesus Romero, their lawyer Humberto Guizar, members of Centro CSO, Romero’s high school classmates, teachers and other families of loved ones killed by police were also present.
Los Angeles, CA – On May 1, International Worker’s Day was marked in LA’s Eastside Boyle Heights. Boyle Heights is a historically Chicano/Latino neighborhood. In the past five years the neighborhood has seen an upsurge in police killings and an influx of charter schools trying to move in and poach students from public schools.
Los Angeles, CA – This spring has brought a rising tide of protests in the in the primarily Chicano communities of East Los Angeles (ELA) and Boyle Heights. The community has taken to the street to protest privatization of public schools, for student rights, and against police terror. Preparations are underway for a powerful May Day protest that will unite the community on the many issues, with the main demands being “Legalization for all” and “No deportations.”
Los Angeles, CA — An event commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the East L.A. Chicano walkouts was held at the Benjamin Franklin Library on March 3, 2018. Organized by adult librarian Patty Alvarado and Centro CSO, dozens attended the historic commemoration. Among those in attendance were Sal Castro’s son Gilbert Castro. Sal Castro was a Chicano public-school teacher who helped organized the walkouts.
Los Angeles, CA – More than 30 parents, teachers, students and supporters of Christopher Dena Elementary took to the streets angrily opposing a co-location move by KIPP Charter. A co-location by KIPP at a public school means students would be segregated, within the same building, depending on which ‘school’ they were enrolled in.
Los Angeles, CA – Labor unions and supporters rallied at the steps of LA County USC Medical Center, Feb. 26, for workers’ rights. On Feb. 26, the U.S. Supreme Court began to hear the Janus v. AFSCME case. The case is a right-wing attack on labor unions.
Los Angeles, CA – Over 50 angry people protested in front of the Los Angeles Police Department Boyle Heights Hollenbeck police station, Feb. 17. Cardboard signs with slogans like, “Justice for Christian Escobedo,” “Stop police brutality,” “Stop killing our youth,” and “De-escalation not violence” were waved at the people driving by and at the LAPD.
Los Angeles, CA – For some of us the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta were unforgettable. I was ten years old and when gymnast Dominique Moceanu hit the floor I froze in my tracks and watched. She may not have won, but that year Moceanu instantly became one of my heroes. Little did I know that 20 years later, Moceanu would again become a hero when speaking out against Larry Nassar for repeated sexual assaults.
Los Angeles, CA – Over 1000 Salvadorians and allies marched in downtown LA, Jan. 13, to demand Temporary Protective Status (TPS) and residency. The loud and enthusiastic rally denounced Trump for his racist and insulting comments against Africa and El Salvador, pointing out that U.S. interventions have caused misery, poverty and the mass displacement of millions in Central America and Africa.
![KIPP charter school meets defeat at Dec. 14 Boyle Heights (PLUC) meeting.](https://i.snap.as/rkptI8TC.jpg “KIPP charter school meets defeat at Dec. 14 Boyle Heights (PLUC) meeting. KIPP charter school meets defeat at Dec. 14 Boyle Heights Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUC) meeting.
(Fight Back! News / Staff)”)
Los Angeles, CA — A packed house is unusual for the Boyle Heights Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUC), but on Dec. 14, over 50 people filled the room. The PLUC meeting was asked by KIPP Promesa Charter School architects and developers for a statement of support from the PLUC as well as a preview of a new Community Plan with a rezoning proposal. Boyle Heights is already occupied by two charter schools which co-locate at 2nd Street Elementary and Breed Elementary.