Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

_Reveal McCarthyite attack on free speech, right to organize _

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.


By mick

"Karen Sullivan" (right) with her associate "Daniela Cardenas".

Minneapolis, MN – With the third anniversary of the FBI raids on anti-war and international solidarity activists approaching on Sept. 24, we are reprinting the above photo of “Karen Sullivan” (right) with her associate, “Daniela Cardenas.” These agents are dangerous to progressive activists. If you see them or are in contact with them, make their presence known to others in the peace and justice movements.


By W. T. Whitney Jr.

In order to preserve democratic appearances, power brokers may limit repression to intimidation and creating divisions within dissident ranks. Surely, those targeted with the threat or reality of jail time, or cowed by abusive, freewheeling investigations do remember. Yet activists who are spared or members of the general public either never knew, or may forget.


By staff

_Mick Kelly states he will donate settlement money to anti-war activists fighting repression _

St. Paul, MN – The case of Mick Kelly, whose lawyers filed the first lawsuit resulting from police violence at the 2008 Republican National Convention on his behalf, was resolved in a settlement conference at the U.S. Courthouse here.


By staff

_Motion will be made to subpoena ‘Karen Sullivan’ – undercover FBI infiltrator in Twin Cities in anti-war movement _

Mick Kelly speaks at March 4 press conference in front of Federal Building

Minneapolis, MN – At a March 4 press conference outside the Federal Building, lawyers who filed the first lawsuit resulting from police violence at the 2008 Republican National Convention announced their plan to move forward with litigation in the case of Mick Kelly. In a widely publicized incident, police, standing only feet away, shot Kelly in his stomach with a high velocity marking projectile at the demonstration organized by the Anti-War Committee on the fourth day of the RNC, September 4, 2008.