The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is urging revolutionary mass organizations in Calabarzon to assist those affected by Taal volcano’s ash explosion. A more dangerous eruption is also forecast, requiring emergency response and relief preparations, including those that address the disaster’s health implications.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following May 14 statement by Jose Maria Sison, National Democratic Front of the Philippines Chief Political Consultant.
New York, NY – Around 60 New Yorkers gathered in front of the Consulate General of the Philippines, December 10, in Manhattan to mark the 70th anniversary of Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 27 statement from Jose Maria Sison, Chief Political Consultant, National Democratic Front of the Philippines.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following presentation by Luis G. Jalandoni, Senior Adviser, Negotiating Panel, of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), to the International People’s Tribunal on the Philippines, which was held in Brussels, September 18-19, 2018.
New York, NY – On June 3, a contingent of 400 people marched in the Philippines Independence Day parade. The parade was a day for Filipinos in New York City to celebrate their homeland and heritage.
New York, NY – On April 26, a tour called “Stop the Killings Speaking Tour: The People’s Caravan for Peace and Justice in the Philippines” made a stop in New York City. The tour, hosted by International Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP US) and the MALAYA Movement, exposes the gross human rights violations that occur daily in the Philippines under the U.S.-backed Rodrigo Duterte regime. The tour is comprised of human rights experts and survivors of acts of repression. These speakers will visit seven major U.S. cities from coast to coast.
The Melito Glor Command-New People’s Army Southern Tagalog (MGC-NPA ST) strongly condemns President Duterte’s vulgar, unethical and immoral statement where he urged that female guerrillas “must be shot in their private parts once captured.”
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 23 statement from Luis G. Jalandoni, Senior Adviser, Negotiating Panel, National Democratic Front of the Philippines.