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Philippines: Communists mobilizing to help after volcano eruption

By staff

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is urging revolutionary mass organizations in Calabarzon to assist those affected by Taal volcano’s ash explosion. A more dangerous eruption is also forecast, requiring emergency response and relief preparations, including those that address the disaster’s health implications.

The U.S.-backed regime of President Rodrigo Duterte is well known for its incompetence and indifference to people’s needs in the wake of natural disasters.

According to a statement from the CPP, “Civic organizations are also urged to coordinate with peasant and fisherfolk families from severely affected areas for their immediate needs. Plans for organized disaster response and mitigation by the communities may also be instituted.”

Lengthy and detrimental effects of volcanic ash on crops, livestock and water supply will impact the victims of the eruption.

The CPP statement concludes, “Mass organizations in Metro Manila and Central Luzon are also urged to draw up plans in urban poor and peasant communities to mitigate effects of the ash fall which has reached as far north as Zambales as reported.”

#Philippines #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #CommunistPartyOfThePhilippines #Duterte #Calabarzon

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