Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Denver, CO – On the morning of Saturday, June 29, members of Denver SDS and Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) picketed outside Pigtrain Coffee Company, a café located in Union Station in the Historic Lower Downtown District in Denver, Colorado.


By staff

Protestors march down residential street.

Superior, CO – On Saturday, June 1, a group of several dozen protesters marched to the home of University of Colorado Regent Callie Rennison in Superior, Colorado.


By Solveig Swain

Students at the Colorado School of Mines support the Palestinian resistance. | Fight Back! News/staff

Golden, CO – Around 3 p.m., November 16, the Students for a Democratic Society at Colorado School of Mines hosted a speak-out of around 80 people on the Colorado School of Mines campus in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. The students of this STEM campus relayed an undeniable message that they stand with Palestine, not the weapons manufacturers that litter their campus.


By Jonce Palmer

Genevieve Gimp of SDS addressing the crowd.

Denver, CO – A group of 25 community members and students of Auraria campus gathered at the César E. Chávez Memorial Building, July 7, outside the office of Senator Michael Bennet. Protesters demanded that Bennet use his position within the United States Senate to advocate for the passing of a national law that would guarantee the right to an abortion in all 50 states.


By staff

A member of SDS Denver speaks about the power people have when they join togethe

Denver, CO – About 50 students and campus community members gathered at Tivoli Commons for the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) National Day of Action: “Cops Off Campus, Black Lives Matter!” Demands included the disarmament and defunding of Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) and more information regarding their participation in the Federal 1033 Program. Members of SDS and Freedom Road Socialist Organization gave speeches about strategies for community control of police and recounted stories of police violence, all while leading chants of “Down with mass incarceration, up, up with education!” and “Black lives matter!”


By staff

Denver, CO – On the evening of September 28, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) led a rally of students and community members on Auraria campus in Denver. The rally demanded that the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) defund and disarm the Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD).


By staff

Denver, CO – Students from Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met on campus January 21 to continue the rallying against U.S. aggression towards Iran and the U.S. occupation of Iraq. This action comes after the illegal act of war of the Trump regime in which Qassem Soleimani was assassinated in the Baghdad International Airport.