Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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 Atlanta rally demands justice for Christon Collins

Atlanta, GA – On Saturday, August 10, around 70 protesters and the family of Christon Collins gathered in front of DeKalb County Jail demanding accountability from Sheriff Melody Maddox. Christon Collins was a 27-year-old veteran who died in the DeKalb County Jail after being denied medical treatment. Recently released video footage of Collins’ last hours was made available to the public last week, which showed him lying on the common floor for three hours with no help from the guards.


By staff

Family of Christon Collins holds press conference demanding justice for their loved one who died in Dekalb County, Georgia jail.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Atlanta, GA – The family of Christon Collins, a 27-year-old veteran who died in Dekalb County Jail, held a press conference on Monday morning, July 22, to share new information about their son’s death.

Jonia Milburn, Collins’s mother, says she got mixed and confusing stories from the sheriff’s office. The family is asking for an independent investigation and for those responsible to be held accountable.

Emotions filled the room as Jonia Milburn talked about what she saw in the video of her son’s last moments in the jail. “My son laid on the floor for three hours with no care. Nobody noticed. No guards, no supervisors, no one but the inmates.” Milburn says the video shows her son losing balance and hitting his head, then lying on the floor for three hours in the common area of the jail with no one checking on him but the inmates. Documents shared by the family show that when Collins was finally attended to hours later, EMTs did not perform life-saving measures on him.