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Atlanta demands change in honor of Christon Collins

By staff

 Atlanta rally demands justice for Christon Collins

Atlanta, GA – On Saturday, August 10, around 70 protesters and the family of Christon Collins gathered in front of DeKalb County Jail demanding accountability from Sheriff Melody Maddox. Christon Collins was a 27-year-old veteran who died in the DeKalb County Jail after being denied medical treatment. Recently released video footage of Collins’ last hours was made available to the public last week, which showed him lying on the common floor for three hours with no help from the guards.

The rally started in front of the jail with passionate speeches from community activists and families impacted by police terror. Jonia Milburn, the mother of Christon Collins, said to those listening “It is happening to my family today but tomorrow it could be yours. That is why we’re here taking a stand for accountability and for change. There has to be change.” Folks inside the jail waved through broken windows in support as protesters chanted “Whose lives matter? Their lives matter!” pointing up at the inmates.

“We're seeing countless deaths at the DeKalb and Fulton County Jails. Over 30 deaths in the past year. If these jails can't take care of people in their custody, then we demand that they let them go,” said Laith Abdel Hader, member of the Atlanta Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. “We will keep fighting alongside the family to make sure they get the truth and accountability they deserve. We will keep fighting so this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

Protesters marched down to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s office, where they were met with over a dozen cops. The protest continued despite the intimidation, with more chants and speeches in front of the sheriff’s office. Before marching back safely, the crowd released balloons in memory of Collins as they chanted “We demand change in Christon’s name!”

The protest was organized by the Atlanta Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and attended by Black Lives Matter Atlanta, DeKalb NAACP, Strike Black, Atlanta Radical Art, and the Angelo Herndon Club. The organizers of the event vowed to keep up the fight for Christon Collins and continue to demand compassionate release from the jails.

#AtlantaGA #AAARPR #AtlantaAlliance #ChristonCollins #DekalbCountyJail