Minneapolis, MN – For the final event in a week marking three years since Jamar Clark was killed by police, the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J) hosted an organizing meeting, November 17, titled, “JusticeThruJamar: Community Control of MPD – Making it Real!”
Chicago, IL – About 1000 people are marching in downtown Chicago, late this afternoon, Oct. 5, in the wake of the Van Dyke verdict. Jason Van Dyke, a white cop who shot Laquan McDonald, an African American youth, 16 times, was found guilty of second-degree murder. Protesters are demanding a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC), to establish community control over the police department.
Struggle continues against police terror in Chicago
Chicago, IL – In the past two years in Chicago, over 50 cases of wrongful convictions have been thrown out of court, and most of the Black and Latino men involved have walked out of prison, or had their charges dismissed. These cases have been overturned because of the exposure of crimes by officers of the Chicago Police Department, including many cases of people’s confessions that were exacted through torture. According to attorneys involved in these cases, there are hundreds more that will be making their way through the courts in the coming years.
Chicago, IL – Juan and Rosendo Herndandez have been prisoners for 21 years. The two brothers were falsely accused of a murder by the notorious Detective Reynaldo Guevara, once head of the Gang Crimes Unit in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood, and his partner, Joe Miedzianowski, who was convicted years ago for running a drug ring out of the Grand and Central police station. Miedzianowski was out to get Juan Herndandez to protect his drug ring. With no physical evidence linking them to the crime, Guevara framed them by manipulating eye witnesses to pick them out of a lineup.
Chicago, IL – City council allies of Mayor Rahm Emanuel held a hearing in the South Side neighborhood of Roseland Tuesday night, May 15, to consider several pieces of legislation on police accountability. They attempted to use a rigged process to smother the voices of the mainly Black movement for community control of the police. For six years, the movement has supported legislation to create an elected, civilian police accountability council (CPAC).
¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó al concejal Carlos Ramirez Rosa y Frank Chapman de la Alianza de Chicago contra la Represión Racista y Política sobre la lucha por un Concilio Elegido de Transparencia Policial (CPAC, por sus siglas en inglés). La legislación para establecer este concilio fue promovido por el concejal Rosa y otros ocho miembros del concilio de la cuidad de Chicago.¡Lucha y Resiste!: Quiero pedir que usted exprese su opinión sobre la legislación de transparencia policial recién avanzada esta semana en el concilio municipal. Los concejales Osterman y Sawyer no han apoyado al CPAC, pero ahora están promoviendo un proyecto de ley para una comisión comunitaria de seguridad pública y de transparencia. ¿En su opinión, por que lo han hecho?
Fight Back! interviewed Chicago Alderman Carlos Ramirez Rosa and Frank Chapman of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression about the struggle for an elected, civilian police accountability council (CPAC). The legislation to create this ordinance was sponsored by Alderman Rosa and eight other members of the Chicago City Council.
Chicago, IL – More than 200 people took part in a protest against killings by police, Nov. 24, boycotting Black Friday on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. This is the third year in a row that marchers came out to demand justice for Laquan McDonald, murdered by a Chicago cop in 2014. The protest also demanded freedom for torture victims of the Chicago police, and an elected civilian police accountability council (CPAC). The march was organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.
The Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR) has been organizing against police crimes for decades. Since 2012, they’ve led a five-year campaign for community control of the police. They have also organized several protests against Donald Trump since he was elected. Fight Back! interviewed Frank Chapman, Field Organizer of the Alliance, about the situation in the U.S., after Charlottesville, Virginia was the scene of the racist ‘Unite the Right’ rally and assault on counter-protesters.