Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Preston Gilmore

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Clarksville, TN – On Wednesday, July 16 a small group of Palestine solidarity activists gathered here to say, “Free Palestine!” The protesters are demanding an immediate stop to the attacks on Gaza by Israel and an end to US military aid. Holding a banner that said, “Clarksville stands with Palestine” the group chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Free, free Palestine!”


By Preston Gilmore

Clarksville, TN – The Clarksville Chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is gearing up to confront a neo-Nazi conference this weekend at the Montgomery Bell State Park in Dickson County. SDSers are organizing a rally outside of the Montgomery Bell Park Inn and Convention Center at 4 p.m. on April 26. They plan to send a message that Nazi terror and white supremacy will not be tolerated in Dickson County. Speakers at the rally will include representatives from organizations such as the Dream Defenders and One People’s Project, as well as local community and religious leaders.


By staff

SDS at Austin Peay State University receives award

Clarksville, TN – On April 16 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Austin Peay State University was awarded recognition from the university for their efforts. They received the award at a ceremony that was attended by hundreds of students, faculty, staff and community members. SDS President Julia Casteel said, “We are all very proud tonight to be recognized for the work we do. SDS is a leading force fighting racism, sexism and oppression of all kinds both here on our campus and around the country and we plan to continue to struggle and fight for a better world.

#ClarksvilleTN #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #SDS #AustinPeayStateUniversity

By Stephanie Taylor

Participants in 8th National SDS Convention

Clarksville, TN – Over 100 student activists from across the country convened here the weekend of Oct. 12-13 to participate in Students for a Democratic Society’s (SDS) 8th annual National Convention. This year’s convention included a diversity of topics which included organizing to stop the U.S. war on Syria and fighting for affordable education. Of great importance this year was the participation of anti-war leader and International Action Center co-founder Sara Flounders and political hip-hop group Rebel Diaz.


By staff

2010 SDS National Convention

Clarksville, TN – In less than one week, progressive students from throughout the country will attend the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 8th annual National Convention, Oct. 11-13, at Austin Peay State University here. Featured at this year’s convention are Rebel Diaz, Sara Flounders and Kait McIntyre.


By Stephanie Taylor

Student activists at 2011 SDS convention

Clarksville, TN – In just four weeks, progressive students from throughout the country are convening for the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 8th annual National Convention at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee. The convention runs from Oct. 11 through Oct. 13. SDS will bring together new and old chapters as well as students from other progressive organizations. Featured at this year’s convention are hip-hop group and immigrant rights activists Rebel Diaz; Sara Flounders, a longtime leader of the anti-war movement; and Kait McIntyre, a lead organizer from the Chicago Anti-War Committee.


By Preston Gilmore

Clarksville protest against a U.S. military attack on Syria.

Clarksville, TN – On Aug. 30, 20 students and anti-war veterans protested on the campus of Austin Peay State University to oppose threats of U.S. military attacks on Syria. Student groups at the rally included Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA). Protesters held banners and signs, chanted, gave speeches and handed out flyers urging people to call the White House at 202-456-1111 to put the heat on Obama to not bomb Syria.


By Preston Gilmore

Nashville protest slams Publix.

Clarksville, TN – In six cities across the state of Tennessee on July 20, people held pickets and delivered letters to Publix managers urging the Publix grocery store chain to join the Fair Food Program that would improve wages and working conditions for tomato pickers in Florida.


By Preston Gilmore

Clarksville, TN – 15 people rallied outside the public library on July 15 to demand justice for Trayvon Martin. People spoke about their outrage that racist murderer George Zimmerman was found not guilty of all charges and of their desire to see him punished for his crime.


By Preston Gilmore

Speaker at rally demands "Justice for Trayvon Martin”

Clarksville, TN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other students at Austin Peay State University rallied at 4:00 p.m., on UC Plaza, Feb. 26 to demand justice for Trayvon Martin. This was one of a number of actions organized by SDS chapters around the country exactly one year to the day since Trayvon Martin’s murder. Martin’s killer has not been convicted.


By Preston Gilmore

Clarksville rallies to resist CIA recruitment

Getting ready for 'CIA Off Campus' protest.

Clarksville, TN – On Sept. 26, students, including members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), joined parents, anti-war veterans and alumni of Austin Peay State University to resist Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruitment on campus. Students petitioned the Office of Career Services, which invited the CIA to campus. The protesters were removed by force by the Clarksville Police Department as they questioned the CIA about their activities.

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