Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Karina Lopez

Solidarity with socialist Cuba.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Los Angeles, CA – On Thursday, November 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution that is put forward every year to end the U.S. imposed economic blockade of Cuba. For the 31st year in a row, the resolution was not passed despite the overwhelming majority of the world voting in favor of the resolution. Those in favor of ending the U.S. imposed sanctions were 187 countries, and only two voted against the resolution, the United States and the apartheid state of Israel.


By Kim DeFranco

Protest at Minnesota State Capitol Building demands and end to the blockade on Cuba. | Photo credit: Kim DeFranco.

St. Paul, MN – On September 24, cars participated in the Women Against Military Madness’ Solidarity Committee of the Americas (SCOTA) and the MN Cuba Committee’s monthly car caravans to show solidarity with Cuba, demand an end to the 60-year blockade against Cuba and that Cuba be taken off the U.S.’ state sponsor of terrorism list.


By staff

NYC event in solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela | Fight Back! News/staff

New York City, NY – On Saturday, September 23, more than 500 anti-war organizers and activists from across the United States converged for “Voices of Dignity: The People vs. Blockades,” an evening program in support of Cuba and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The event was hosted by the Let Cuba Live Coalition and took place at the Society for Ethical Culture of New York .


By staff

Florida caravan against U.S. blockade on Cuba.

Hialeah, FL – Over 70 members of the South Florida Cuban community took part in a car and bicycle caravan through Hialeah to demand an end to the immoral and illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba. This caravan near Miami was one of dozens of actions that took place not only in cities across the United States, but in countries across the world, from Canada to Egypt to Cuba itself.


By staff

Fight Back! interviews Jeff Westberry, who recently traveled to Cuba to participated in Fourth International Seminar of the World Peace Council.

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