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Cubans in Hialeah, FL rally against U.S. blockade

By staff

Florida caravan against U.S. blockade on Cuba. Florida caravan against U.S. blockade on Cuba. (Fight Back! News/staff)

Hialeah, FL – Over 70 members of the South Florida Cuban community took part in a car and bicycle caravan through Hialeah to demand an end to the immoral and illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba. This caravan near Miami was one of dozens of actions that took place not only in cities across the United States, but in countries across the world, from Canada to Egypt to Cuba itself.

The cars were draped with oversized Cuban flags and posters that read, “No mas bloqueo” and “Abajo el bloqueo de Cuba,” as bicyclists chanted and waved their smaller flags. The caravan passed through the congested streets of Hialeah, with honks of support at every corner. The atmosphere was loud and festive and, for many, the action was deeply personal. Many who joined the caravan have family in Cuba and know firsthand the effects of the cruel, decades-long U.S. economic sanctions on the island nation.

Of course, right-wing anti-Cuban Cubans in the area showed up from time to time, trying to run their cars into the caravan and shout profanities at the pro-Cuba drivers. But their rude remarks and attempts at violence did not affect the caravan. Caravanners not only outnumbered the counter-protesters, but out-spirited them as well.

After the caravan, the bicyclists and drivers met in a large, abandoned parking lot. They listened and danced to traditional Cuban music, while watching videos of the massive caravan that was taking place in Havana simultaneously. They also gathered to hear the impassioned pleas of a handful of speakers who called on President Biden to end to the U.S. sanctions against Cuba and demanded the right for all people to freely travel to their beloved home country.

#HialeahFL #Cuba #PeoplesStruggles #Blockade #Americas

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