Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Adam Price

Three picketers protesting Bank of America in Newark

San José, CA – On Friday, Jan. 8, the Labor Department reported that 85,000 more jobs were lost in December of 2009. This was much worse than mainstream economists predicted and shows that another ‘job-loss’ recovery may be underway. Following the last official recession in 2001, the economy began to grow in November of 2001 but workers continued to lose jobs until the summer of 2003.


By staff

Protesters back Palestine in Chicago

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following letter, written by Labor for Palestine to the President of the AFL-CIO, urging support for the campaign to boycott Israel.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Protest in Newark, NJ

Across the country, more working people are losing our jobs and our homes. Each week, the ranks of those running out of our unemployment benefits grow. In every state, public schools and programs that serve poor and working people are being cut. Health care is in crisis and congress is debating another bailout for the insurance companies. Oppressed nationality – Black, Chicano, Latino, Asians and Native Americans – are hit the hardest by the economic crisis.


By mick

Protesters in Washington D.C. demand freedom for Ricardo Palmera

Speaking with Fight Back! Dec. 15, a leader of the U.S.-based National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, Tom Burke, slammed a Nov. 12 lawsuit filed in Florida Middle District Court against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Burke stated, “This is nothing more than an attempt by a group of U.S. mercenaries to gain publicity and put some more money in their pockets. The lawsuit fits into a larger agenda – to criminalize the main Colombian rebel group, the FARC, an organization that is fighting for a free, just and independent Colombia.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Banner reads U.S. Out of Afghanistan and Iraq Now

Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the escalation of the bloody and unjust U.S. war in Afghanistan. We condemn the decision made by the White House and Pentagon to ‘surge’ over 30,000 U.S. and NATO forces into Afghanistan in an attempt to stabilize a failing occupation regime.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call for students to join the protests in response to the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.


By Peter Shapiro

Peter Shapiro speaking at a October 15 rally for health care.

Insurance company profiteering has laid waste to the U.S. health care system and sparked a wave of protest throughout the U.S. But the response of Congress to the crisis suggests that the battle is just beginning.


By Chapin Gray

Protest at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for education rights.

Students from across the country participated in a National Day of Action for Education Rights, Nov. 10, demanding an end to the budget cuts, layoffs and tuition hikes hitting schools since the economic crisis began.


By staff

Campaign for Education Rights launching National Day of Action for Education Rights on Nov. 10

Students holding an "Education is a right" banner at Univeristy of Wisconsin.

In the midst of budget cuts, pay cuts, and tuition hikes in the face of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, youth groups from around the country have assembled the Campaign for Education Rights and are launching a National Day of Action for Education Rights on Nov. 10 all over the country.


By staff

Interview with organizers for Nov. 10 Education Rights Day of Action

Carlos Montes speaks to a group of students at the October 3 conference.

As students and youth across the country prepare for the November 10 day of action for education rights, Fight Back! sat down with Josh Sykesof UNC-Asheville Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Sallie Linfrom the Bay Area in California and Stephanie Taylorfrom University of Minnesota SDSto discuss the day of action, organizing the student movement and the movement to demand education as a fundamental right, not a privilege. All three organizers have been deeply involved in building for the day of action, and led the workshop at the Oct. 3 “We Say Fight Back!” conference in Chicago that launched the initiative for the Nov. 10 day of action for education rights.