Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following message from Freedom Road Socialist Organization that was sent to Robert Mugabe, President and First Secretary of the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) following his victory in the elections.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement on resumption of direct negotiations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Israeli occupiers.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The rulers of the U.S. are waging a war on the oppressed at home and abroad. The murder of Trayvon Martin and the July 13 not guilty verdict for his killer is an indictment of the system we live under. When the rich and powerful talk of justice they lie. Just take a look at what happened in Florida, or Iraq, or so many other places.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

One of the many protests demanding justice for Trayvon Martin

On July 13, an almost all-white jury ruled that George Zimmerman was not guilty on all charges for the murder of Trayvon Martin. While saddened and angered by this verdict, we were not surprised that the U.S. so-called ‘justice system’ has again said that racist cops and vigilantes like Zimmerman have a green light to shoot and kill African Americans.


By Fight Back! Editors

Youth in Sanford lead protest demanding "Justice for Trayvon Martin" as jury del

Fight Back! is calling for protests in the wake of the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial. The trial of George Zimmerman is now concluded and the jury is deliberating. Across the United States, people are awaiting the verdict on this racist killer who stalked and shot dead 17 year old African-American student Trayvon Martin in February 2012. Odds are there is not going to be any justice for Trayvon Martin in the courtroom. The vigilante murder of an African-American will likely not result in a guilty verdict on a murder charge. Fight Back! is calling on people to protest the verdict!


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 28 statement from Legalization For All (L4A) on immigration reform.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from anti-war organizations calling for National Days of Action, June 28- July 17, to oppose the war on Syria. United Statement and Call for Action to Oppose U.S./NATO and Israeli War on Syria


By Fight Back! Editors

Remember the 1964 Mississippi Summer Project!

We strongly condemn the June 25 decision by the Supreme Court of the U.S. to gut the heart of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. On a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court struck down the requirement that seven southern and southwestern states have to get federal government approval for changes in their election practices. Such approval was to make sure that the changes do not prevent African American and Chicano voters from full participation in elections.


By Jose Maria Sison

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the International League of Peoples' Struggle, written by Jose Maria Sison, in support of Edward Snowden. ILPS praises heroic act of Edward Snowden in exposing NSA surveillance program PRISM


By staff

Ralph Poynter

Lynne Stewart, a heroic and long-time progressive lawyer, is serving a ten-year prison sentence in Fort Worth, Texas for ‘material support of terrorism,’ after serving as defense attorney for Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. On June 9 Fight Back! spoke with her husband, Ralph Poynter, about her case. Poynter is a Black community leader and retired New York City teacher.