Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Steff Yorek

Author’s note: Leslie Feinberg preferred the pronouns ze (vs. she) and hir (vs. her) so I use those in this piece.


By Rasmea Defense Committee

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 18 statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.


By Scott Williams

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 17 statement from Scott Williams. We remind all progressive activists to not speak with the FBI. The FBI came looking for me today at my family’s house


By staff

Milwaukee WI – For the first time in Milwaukee's history, an African American woman is running as a socialist candidate for the office of Milwaukee county sheriff. The following is an interview that that Fight Back! conducted with Walker. For more information about her campaign, see Angela N Walker for Milwaukee County Sheriff Fight Back! asked Angela Walker to describe her campaign. Here is her response:


By staff

Fight Back News Service is urging all progressive organizations to sign the following statement. To add your organization to the statement, please email [email protected]. The statement reads in part: “The undersigned organizations support the democratic rights of the Rasmea Defense Committee, the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, and other organizations to organize broad, public support to drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh.”


By staff

Bizarre DOJ accusations against Hatem Abudayyeh attempt to criminalize opponents of political repression

Fight Back! is circulating this important statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡Por un movimiento militante y de masas para la liberación!

El 17 de Julio, luego de haber ahorcado a Eric Garner, un Afroamericano padre de seis hijos, los agentes de la policía de New York decidieron revisarle los bolsillos antes de llamar a la ambulancia. Tres semanas después, el oficial Darren Wilson en la ciudad de Ferguson, Missouri mato de seis disparos al joven Michael Brown, dejando su cuerpo tirado en la calle sin llamar por ayuda médica. Por más de una semana la policía se negó a liberar el nombre del oficial Wilson y se rehusó a entregar el reporte oficial. Todo esto demuestra que también pretenden encubrir la verdad sobre el asesinato de Michael Brown.

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By Fight Back! Editors

Regular readers of Fight Back! know that on Sept. 24, 2010, Midwest anti-war and international solidarity activists woke to loud banging on their front doors and were confronted with scores of FBI agents breaking things and rifling through children’s toys and books. At the end of the day, seven homes and the office of the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee were raided by the FBI, who took away boxes of books and papers on decades of political activity. At the raided homes, activists received subpoenas to a grand jury in Chicago investigating material support of terrorism.


By Sarah Flounders

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Sept. 4 article from Workers World:


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Build a militant, mass movement for liberation!

State trooper sent to repress protests in Ferguson.

On July 17, Eric Garner, an African American father of six, was choked to death by New York City police, who then went through his pockets instead of calling an ambulance. Three weeks later, Michael Brown was shot at least six times and killed by policeman Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. His body was left in the street and no medical help was called. For more than a week the police refused to release Officer Wilson’s name and turned in no official police report. All of this shows that another cover-up is underway in the murder of Michael Brown.