Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

St Paul protest slams Scott Walker appearance

Saint Paul, MN – Thirty people gathered outside O’Gara’s Bar to picket against Wisconsin governor and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker. Walker was speaking at a fundraiser for the right-wing pro-corporate Minnesota Jobs Coalition.


By Fight Back! Editors

We think that it is a good thing that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is running for president. Senator Sanders has attracted some of the largest crowds of any presidential candidate by hammering away at the growing income and wealth inequality in the U.S. He supports the $15 per hour minimum wage, a government single-payer health care program and has been a consistent opponent of so-called ‘free trade’ agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.


By Luscely Flores

Milwaukee, WI – Governor Scott Walker is making his announcement to run for presidency today, July 13, in Waukesha, which is located just west of Milwaukee. Walker, a Republican, has voted against driver's licenses for undocumented people; he took away tuition equity in 2011 which allowed undocumented students to pay the same price tuition as citizen students, and he also signed to a legal challenge with 25 other governors against DAPA (Deferred Action for Parent Arrivals).


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera. We encourage all of our readers to support this effort. Peace for Colombia! Free Simon Trinidad! National Call-in Day to the White House: Thursday, June 25th, 2015, 8am-5pm EST Call the White House at (202) 456-1111


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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On the night of June 17, at the Emanuel AME church, a 21-year-old white supremacist named Dylann Storm Roof shot up a prayer meeting in Charleston, South Carolina. This act of racist violence resulted in the deaths of nine African American people, including a South Carolina State Senator who was the pastor of the church.


By Gus Fromke

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**Spoiler alert: This review is full of spoilers**


By staff

Fight Back! News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El 1ero de Mayo del 2015 los trabajadores de todo el mundo celebran el día internacional del trabajador y la lucha por un mejor mundo. En la mayoría de los países, el pueblo trabajador y oprimido marcha por las calles enarbolando banderas rojas. Líderes de la clase trabajadora dan importantes discursos sobre la historia y sobre la continua lucha en contra de este injusto sistema que solo beneficia al 1%. El 1ero de Mayo es una oportunidad para celebrar a la clase trabajadora y el brillante futuro para los que continuamos defendiendo y luchando contra los patrones y las compañías que nos explotan. El 1ero de Mayo es también un día para apoyar a las naciones y los pueblos oprimidos del mundo, quienes resisten la guerra y ocupación de los EE.UU y su maquinaria guerrerista. La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad ( le insiste al pueblo a que salga a las calles a marchar este 1ero de Mayo y presentar foros de discusión sobre la necesidad de acabar con el gobierno del 1 % y establecer el socialismo; un sistema donde el poder político y económico este en las manos de los trabajadores.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, 2015, workers around the world will celebrate International Workers’ Day and the struggle for a better world. In most every country, workers and oppressed peoples will march in the streets waving red flags. Working class leaders will give powerful speeches about the history and future of the struggle against an unfair system that only benefits the 1%. May Day is an opportunity to celebrate the working class and the bright future ahead for those of us who work and stand against the bosses and companies that exploit us. May 1 is also a day to stand with oppressed nations and peoples of the world who are resisting war and occupation by the U.S. ruling class and its military machine. Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( urges people to march on May Day and host forums about the working class, the need to end the rule of the 1% and to establish socialism – a system where political and economic power is in the hands of the workers.