Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Washington, DC – In a May 7 report, the authoritative Middle East news outlet Al Manar is reporting that Yemen’s Revolutionary Committee, which plays an important role in leading the country’s national democratic forces, has released a statement denouncing the deployment of U.S. troops in Yemen.


By staff

Karl Marx

To mark the May 5, 1818 birthday of Karl Marx, Fight Back News Service is circulating a famous work he authored in 1859, the Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy


By staff

“Dump Trump, Say No to the Republican Agenda”

Minneapolis, MN – The Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC announced today, May 1, plans for a major protest In Cleveland, Ohio, on July 18, the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC).


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Sigue la lucha en el Día Internacional de los trabajadores 2016

El primero de mayo es el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y nos pertenece a nosotros, los trabajadores y oprimidos que continuamos luchando por una mejor vida. Ya que los ricos, la poderosa clase multimillonaria que controla este país, goza de lujos los 365 días al año, el 1ero de mayo nosotros decimos ¡BASTA! Estamos cansados de ser oprimidos, vilipendiados y defraudados, y no lo vamos a aceptar más.

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By Ian Gallagher

Students protest at Trump West Chester University campaign appearance

West Chester, PA – Hundreds of students protested Donald Trump, who was campaigning at West Chester University, April 25. Students started to gather for the demonstration well before 1:00 p.m., which was when the doors opened for the Trump rally. Students gathered on the quad to discuss protest and demonstration tactics from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Then, students rallied and protested against Trump’s message of racism, sexism and bigotry.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Stand up, fight back on International Workers Day 2016

May Day is our day. It is International Workers Day. It is a day that is all about us, working and oppressed people, and our fight for a better life. The wealthy, the powerful billionaire class that rules this country, wallow in luxury 365 days a year. On May Day, we say, “Enough!” We are tired of being held down, pushed around and sold out. We cannot accept things the way they are.


By staff

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To mark the April 22, 1870 birthday of Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article he wrote in 1913. The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism


By Gus Froemke

Chicago students shut down Trump campaign event

Minneapolis, MN – Donald Trump’s ascendance to international political notoriety has sent shockwaves through the Western world’s political powers. Trump’s rejection of the establishment’s norms of behavior and of what he terms “political correctness” is unbalancing bourgeoisie democratic values. On the international scene, Trump is recognized as a simple schoolyard bully who teases and assaults those who have any semblance of creative or individual thought. In Trump’s vision for America you better kneel before the god of ‘businessman’ bravado, hyper-patriotism, bigotry, and triumphalism or you’re not worthy of access to the playground.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following April 14 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions. WFTU International Solidarity with the workers of Verizon in the USA


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article and accompanying introduction by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.