Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Members of the New People's Army

Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns in the strongest possible terms the U.S. State Department decision to keep the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army on its list of designated “Foreign Terrorist Organizations.” This is an example of confounding facts with fiction, and it is an attempt to criminalize international solidarity.


By staff

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement on Biden in Palestine and the Jerusalem Declaration, signed by 80 organizations, including Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).


By J. Sykes

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Despite what bourgeois economists, the priests of property and profit, would have us believe, capitalism isn’t the eternal way of things. It had a beginning, and it will have an end. As we begin our discussion of political economy, let’s draw upon historical materialism to examine how capitalism arose.


By J. Sykes

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Thanks to Marxism, we know that ideological superstructure of society arises from and supports the material, economic base of society. What we think is shaped primarily by our practical activity in production, class struggle and scientific experiment. Furthermore, Marx was fundamentally a revolutionary organizer, interested in helping the working class to understand and overthrow its exploitation. This is why Marx devoted the bulk of his theoretical work to an analysis of political economy.


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution was that was adopted at Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s 9th Congress.


By J. Sykes

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In the ideological terrain today, Marxism must struggle against postmodernism. What is postmodernism? In The Postmodern Condition, the French philosopher Jean Francois Lyotard summed up the postmodern view as the rejection of “metanarratives.” By “metanarratives” Lyotard means any theory that claims to be able to explain the totality of social, historical and cultural phenomena. This includes the Enlightenment and Marxism. In other words, postmodernism opposes the idea that the world can or should be objectively and rationally understood. The idea that the world as a whole is rational and comprehensible is thus deemed “modern” and postmodernism claims to have gone beyond modernism.


By staff

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization has announced nation-wide zoom study sessions on the Fight Back! News Red Theory article series by J. Sykes. The first group of four sessions will cover the first five articles in the series and will occur biweekly, with the first session happening Thursday, July 14. You can find all the articles in the series here.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Join FRSO leaders for a report back on the organization's recent 9th Congress. We will also discuss the importance of mobilizing to defend Roe v. Wade. Hosted by Tom Burke, FRSO Organization Secretary and Standing Committee, Chrisley Carpio of the Standing Committee, and Andy Koch, FRSO National Organizer.


By J. Sykes

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Marxist-Leninists are practical people. This has been true since Marx wrote his famous Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” Many Marxists might even consider themselves “pragmatists.” But Marxism and pragmatism, though there may be some superficial similarities, are, in fact, fundamentally opposed. So, let’s look more closely at this. What is pragmatism?