FRSO to host online studies of Fight Back! News Red Theory articles
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Freedom Road Socialist Organization has announced nation-wide zoom study sessions on the Fight Back! News Red Theory article series by J. Sykes. The first group of four sessions will cover the first five articles in the series and will occur biweekly, with the first session happening Thursday, July 14. You can find all the articles in the series here.
These study sessions are open to all FRSO General Members who are current on dues ($20 annually).
If you aren’t a member and want to participate, apply now:
If you are a member and know you haven’t paid dues in the past year, visit
If you are a General Member and you aren’t sure if you are current on dues, you can email, or call or text 612-477-5807. You can also reach out if you are a General Member in good standing (caught up on dues) but haven’t received the registration link yet.
Please read the associated articles before the study session!
Schedule All sessions are Thursdays, 5pm PT / 6pm MT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET July 14
– What is Marxism-Leninism? Introducing a new series on the Science of Revolution
– The historical emergence of Marxism July 28
– Leninism: The Marxism of the current era August 11
– How we learn: Theory and Practice August 25
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