Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

Richard Berg estuvo empleado en el Hospital de la Universidad de Chicago (HUdeCH) como parte del departamento de limpieza por 16 años. En el 2004 fue despedido por una petición del corrupto jefe principal del sindicato Local 743 de los Teamsters, irónicamente el sindicato al que pertenecía Berg. En dos ocasiones en ese mismo año encabezó las listas del Nuevo Liderato de Reformistas (New Leadership Slate-NLS) y ganó ambas elecciones, pero su triunfo le fue negado por el robo masivo de votos por parte de la pandilla de Watson. Entonces, los pandilleros decidieron eliminar de una vez por todas a su oponente. Sí, Richard no trabajaba en el hospital no podría ser miembro del sindicato Local 743. Por lo tanto, no podría nunca ser candidato para el liderazgo del sindicato otra vez.

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By staff

Members fighting mad

Chicago, IL – Fight Back! learned May 9 that Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., at a meeting in Las Vegas, has joined with the corrupt Teamsters officials in Chicago to remove President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez from office in Local 743. Berg and Alvarez are rank-and-file reformers who fought for years against the gangsters who ran their union while Hoffa and officers of the Joint Council in Chicago turned a blind eye to the corruption in the local.


By Stephanie Weiner

Trabajadores del SK Hand Tools

Chicago, IL – “Ganamos” mensajes de texto con estas palabras se distribuyeron la noche del 3 de noviembre entre huelguistas de SK Hand Tool a miembros de familia y apoyadores.   Los reportes directos al hecho de los trabajadores de SK Hand Tool tendrían seguro de salud. Había mucho más que celebrar al marcharse a la calle 47 y tirar la casa de campaña los trabajadores dejaron su voto final para el acuerdo la tarde del 3 de noviembre. Habían estado en huelga por diez semanas – desde el 25 de agosto.

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By staff

Ask for support

Workers holding a sign that says "SK Took Away our Healthcare"

Norma Trinidad and 20 of her co-workers stood in front of the Sears store on Dearborn Street in Chicago’s Loop, Sept. 18, handing fliers to people as they walked past. These members of Teamsters Local 743 are on strike against SK Hand Tools. They came to ask Sears customers not to buy the tools made by the SK workers.


By staff

Chicago, IL – In the final days of August, members of Teamsters Local 743 accepted a new contract at the University of Chicago Medical Center. A month ago, the 1350 workers overwhelmingly rejected an offer from the employer which offered no meaningful pay increases or job security. With this support behind them, the bargaining committee returned to the table and emerged with significant improvements. 68% of their fellow workers voted yes on the new offer.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Richard Lopez, once the overpaid $160,000-a-year president of Teamster Local 743, was sentenced to two years of prison on Aug. 27. His co-conspirators and former employees, Ted Bania and David Rodriguez, are going in for 40 months and 18 months respectively.


By Stephanie Weiner

Photo of strikers picketing next to the street outside SK Hand Tool

Chicago, IL – As the strike at SK Hand Tool moves into its second week, it is clear it is picking up momentum. On Sept. 2 a contingent of workers went downtown to tell their strike story to U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who was in town to present a Labor Day speech.


By staff

The strike by members of Teamster local 743 for health care at SK Hand Tool has attracted national attention.

#ChicagoIL #Teamsters743 #Healthcare #SKHandTools

By staff

Protest rally of workers and supporters at the University of Chicago Medical Cen

Chicago, IL – Sherri Taylor-Kennedy was insulted and angry at her employer. “When I got here I was informed that my position had been eliminated. I had 30 minutes to gather my belongings and be escorted off the premises.” She spoke out at a protest rally Feb. 10 to 200 co-workers and supporters at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC).


By staff

Former Teamsters 743 President Hit with New Indictment

Chicago, IL – On Jan. 22, another federal indictment was brought against Robert Walston, the former Teamster president who in 2001 and 2004 stole elections in Local 743. This time he is charged with trafficking in cocaine. He had been driving from Chicago to Texas in June 2007 when he was picked up with $135,000 in his car. The Feds had been keeping tabs on him and knew he was going to buy up to 5 kilograms of coke with that money.

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