Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By J. Sykes

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Contradiction is inherent in everything and is what causes things to change qualitatively. In socialist society there are also contradictions. Socialism is the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, where the working class uses its state power to take society out of capitalism and towards the classless and stateless society of communism.


By J. Sykes

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The task of socialism is to transition from capitalist society to communist society, from a society ruled by and for the rich, based on exploitation and oppression, to a society without classes and without exploitation and oppression. When the working class takes power and expropriates the wealth and power of the capitalist class, the dictatorship of the proletariat will have to eliminate the contradictions carried over from capitalist society in a planned, thoroughgoing, and step-by-step way. One of the most important tasks of the socialist state is the elimination of what Marx called “bourgeois right.” We already touched on bourgeois right in our previous article, “What is Socialism?” but it is a very important subject and needs to be understood clearly.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

To mark the anniversary of the October Revolution – by our calendar Nov. 7, 1917 – Fight Back News Service is circulating the following paper by Freedom Road Socialist Organization. This paper prepared collectively by the central leadership of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and was presented by leading member of FRSO, Frank Chapman, at the Centennial Commemoration of the October Revolution, held in New York City, July 2017. The event was sponsored by People’s Response for International Solidarity and Mass Mobilization (PRISM) in cooperation with the U.S. member organizations of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS-US). Introduction


By J. Sykes

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Marxism isn’t just a philosophical and analytical framework based on dialectical and historical materialism, or a critique of political economy. It is also a theory of revolutionizing society and building socialism. Based on the laws of motion of the capitalist societies that precede it, and the experiences of socialist construction from 1917 until today, Marxism-Leninism is able to give us a vision and roadmap for the socialist transformation of society. Of course, every country has its own concrete path to follow, based on its own time, place and conditions, but we can still draw some lessons from those experiences.


By staff

Masao Suzuki.

Fight Back! News interviews the chair of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Joint Nationalities Commission Masao Suzuki. Fight Back!: FRSO says that the U.S. is a jailhouse for oppressed nationalities. What is meant by this?


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Mick Kelly, Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Fight Back News Service is circulating this greeting sent by the Political Secretary Mick Kelly, of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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To obtain a copy of the new FRSO Program book, reach out to your local FRSO organizers. If you are not in an area where FRSO has an organized district, you can order a copy at


By Jonce Palmer

The people of Cuba have voted on a series of changes to their Families Code that will provide legal same-sex marriages and unions, adoption rights for same-sex couples, and an updated set of women’s and families’ rights. Other amendments to this document include promote equitable sharing of domestic responsibilities, prenuptial agreements, and assisted pregnancies.


By staff

(Left) MLPD members honor veteran comrades. (Right) The new Karl Marx statue

Gelsenkirchen, Germany – The Marxist Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) celebrated its 40th anniversary with a weekend of celebration from August 25-28. Among the 1500 who attended were party members from across Germany, their families, residents of the local community, and international guests representing revolutionary parties and organizations from 31 countries across five continents. Andy Koch, the National Organizer of Freedom Road Socialist Organization attended the celebration.


By J. Sykes

Red Theory: Capitalist accumulation and overproduction

It is a fact of historical materialism that the development of the productive forces reduces the amount of labor required by production. As technology and techniques improve, the amount of work required to meet human needs is reduced. This should be a fact that liberates humanity from toil, freeing us to pursue our interests, hobbies, goals of self-development, and so on.


By J. Sykes

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When we enter into employment, our bosses are trying to play a trick on us. They want us to understand the process one way, when, in fact, something else is happening. They want us to think that we have agreed, as equals, upon a deal, where they pay us an agreed upon hourly wage, and we, in turn, do some agreed upon labor for them. They make a profit and we get paid, and everyone gets what they agreed upon. At least, that’s how they want us to understand the process.


By Masao Suzuki

Masao Suzuki.

San José, CA – Over the last two years, hundreds of thousands of Asian Americans and their supporters have taken to the streets to protest the wave of violence against Asian Americans. From the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when a Burmese family was assaulted in Texas; to the Atlanta Spa killing in April 2021, where six of the eight people killed were Asian American women, this wave of violence against Asian Americans inspired protests across the country, even including middle-school students.


By Tom Burke

Detroit, MI – A group of activists in the Detroit area joined the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) in June 2022. This expands FRSO to an important and historic city for labor and Black struggles. The young workers and activists organized together during the George Floyd rebellion of 2020, and continued protesting through 2021, when they formed their own study group.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Join FRSO leaders for a report back on the organization's recent 9th Congress. We will also discuss the importance of mobilizing to defend Roe v. Wade. Hosted by Tom Burke, FRSO Organization Secretary and Standing Committee, Chrisley Carpio of the Standing Committee, and Andy Koch, FRSO National Organizer.


By J. Sykes

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Marxist-Leninists are practical people. This has been true since Marx wrote his famous Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach: “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” Many Marxists might even consider themselves “pragmatists.” But Marxism and pragmatism, though there may be some superficial similarities, are, in fact, fundamentally opposed. So, let’s look more closely at this. What is pragmatism?


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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By Milwaukee staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 4 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).


By staff

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• Liberation Party (Argentina)


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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With the successful conclusion of the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a real leap has been made in our efforts to build a serious, revolutionary organization that can make meaningful contributions to the people’s struggle. It is also clear that we are continuing to make progress in our efforts to construct a new communist party, one that can stand at the forefront of the fight for socialism.


By J. Sykes

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Now that we’ve nailed down what we mean by forces of production, let’s talk about the other aspect of the mode of production: the relations of production. Remember that the forces of production are comprised of the means of production (the instruments of production, such as factories and tools, and the objects of labor, like raw materials, land and natural resources) and the agents of production (the workers themselves and their techniques of labor).

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