Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Chicago, IL – Clerical workers at the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) are celebrating after scoring a big victory in contract negotiations. The fight for this contract had dragged on over two years. When the last contract expired in August 2006, management’s team under the new vice chancellor, John Loya, took a very hard attitude in the first bargaining sessions. Management’s proposals included a new formula for wages that called for subtracting anniversary raises that are part of the seniority system for these workers. Willie English, a staff representative for SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 73, pointed out that this move “…would have resulted in employees falling behind the cost of living.”


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – The contract fight between 1500 clerical and administrative workers at University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) has seen hundreds of workers on picket lines in recent weeks. Members of Local 73 SEIU (Service Employees International Union) voted overwhelmingly (94%) in January to authorize a strike if negotiations fail to reach an agreement. Since then, the campus has not stopped hearing the sounds of marching feet.


By Joe Iosbaker

winter picketers with purple SEIU signs

Chicago, IL – From Jan. 15 to Jan. 23, hundreds of clerical and administrative workers at UIC (University of Illinois – Chicago) turned out for a strike authorization vote. 94% of them supported the call from their elected bargaining committee to walk out of work if negotiations fail to reach an agreement.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Clerical and administrative workers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) will be taking a strike authorization vote in early January. Over two years have passed since their last raise, and the 1500 employees, including workers at sites in Rockford and Peoria, are fed up. The workers are members of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 73. Management presented a settlement offer to their bargaining committee on Nov. 14. According to Jeff Dexter, lead negotiator for Local 73, that offer falls short of what the workers need.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – “They want us to learn to live with less.” That’s how Denise King sees it. King had just finished marching outside the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on Nov. 14. She was one of 22 workers from UIC (University of Illinois – Chicago) who had traveled to the university’s Springfield campus to confront the Board of Trustees.


By Joe Iosbaker

Women with SEIU picket signs

Chicago, IL – Demetris McKinley, a customer service representative, came to work on Thursday, Aug. 16, even though it was a vacation day for her. She came to work to picket.


By Joe Iosbaker

picket sign reads: John Loya: Bad Man on Campus

Chicago, IL – When 80 union members marched on the Human Resources building at the campus of the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) May 11th, they had the name of who they were hunting for. “Are you listening, John?” asked Tracey Whitaker, a Patient Unit Clerk from the UI Hospital, and a member of Local 73 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


By Joe Iosbaker

Workers climbing a stairwell

Chicago, IL – 100 workers at the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) marched on the labor relations office on Jan. 19. They were protesting management’s failure to give service and maintenance workers the raises they agreed to in contract negotiations. Also, clerical, administrative and technical workers joined the march to demand that management schedule new bargaining dates for their contracts, both of which expired several months ago.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – In November, the University of Illinois announced they were hiring a new president, Joseph White. He will receive a $450,000 salary – $115,000 a year more than the outgoing president.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – When Willie English heard management say that the bathrooms in his building were dirty, he was insulted. English, a foreman, said, “The number of Building Service Workers in my building is half what it was three years ago, but we take pride in keeping the building clean.”